Marauders On A Night Raid

(alternately titled ringleader Harris hooligan,
Hence, any resemblance
between characters port
rayed, and living persons
purely coincidental.)
Claim to fame creating
an overnight sensational
boom town explained
by lodestone of zinc
while the town
crier fast asleep
(until next to last 21st sentry
caught up on
much needed
protracted wink),
his dreams informed
him of a getaway,
whereat just
with mental power to think,
could render forth pour
favor riches aplenty
appearing once
one did awake
meanwhile oblivious
to encroaching hoodlums,
whom didst blithely slink,
(analogous to a
waltzing skater on a smooth
as glass ice rink,
whereat razor sharp blades
noiselessly sliced cold air
with an imaginary plink),
thus while one man guard
zonked out, sans steeped
in a glistening escapade
cuddling, nestling, and snuggling
with his pet mink
Hun dread scandalous vandals
(Atilla among them)
word less lee
located weakest linkedin chink
coalescing, comprising,
and constituting,
an otherwise excel lent access
duff fence sieve link
iron wrought chained
formerly mistakenly invincible
against a Trojan
Horse, now even
vulnerable to a dolled up,
decked out disguised rat fink,
slithering snake like afore
the zoned out patrol
did awaken and blink
only after invasion of swiftly
styled, harried tailored,
foo fighting beastie boys
ex post facto, when steely
dan sing motley crue
made discernible noise
far to late for the
"FAKE" Don to trumpet
successful "Stormy Daniels"
counter attacking ploys.

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