Poem -

~ Memory's Forest ~

~ Memory's Forest ~

A lone saxophone
In the forest
Lets loose
An elongated cry
Like waterfalls
Upon the lilting wind
Baby squirrels
On treetops tips
A single tear
To a young girl's cheek
Who daydreams
To herself
Of her father's music
His saxophone dearly missed
And why it is
That here
Among the trees of this
Her Memory's forest
She recalls his face
So very well
And feels like the animals
Of memory's forest
Are cradled
And loved
By treetops promise
Just as she feels
This most musical
And magical
Has created
New moments shared
With a father long gone
And breathed life
Into his memory
By a visit,
Deep into,
Memory's Forest...

Tony Taylor


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Greg Etsell

I to was lost in the forest
when I keep hearing a saxonphone
I wonder thougth the woods trying to find it
and hread the call to the little girl and never
found my way to any of it I must have turned left
when you turned right I found my way out by the sun
never knowing what happen

Tony Taylor

Wow!! Greg Etsell!!....what a way cool.... almost poetic comment on this piece!!.... you have come such a long way from when you first arrived here on Cosmo!!...I REALLY love watching you and your transition from pupa to poetic butterfly!!.....LOVE this comment brother!!........ thanx for this!!....... later......T xo ?❤

Greg Etsell

thank you Tony reading your poem
and what I said just came to me so I had write
It i try every day to get better as writer it is hard
I will never be the writer you are  I have been here
3 years now


Pinned...for bringing a tear to my eye ?

Tony Taylor

YAY!!..... what a VERY powerful comment my friend..... it's simple..... and yet it says SO MUCH!!...... thank you MARION!!..... you're lovely!!.....I am your cyber-friend and admirer......T xo ?❤


I really enjoyed the imagery.  I don't  smoke weed but if I did I would want to smoke it with you. I think we could come up with some creative shit lol! Love you bro

Tony Taylor

Hey GREG!!.....I don't smoke weed either..... it makes me too apathetic.....I did smoke when I was younger but found much better means for altered states of consciousness!! (smiles)...... although my doctors tell me that they will eventually take me off of pain meds and prescribe marijuana..... so who knows what the future holds..... perhaps the day WILL come my friend!!.....thanx so much for pointing out the imagery created here..... you're the best!!...... stay groovy!!......T xo ?❤

Larry Ran

My Dear Tony,

How often I have told Linda, about Rock and Roll's backbone
When one listens, they oft times hear, the blaring saxophone
Your heroine's tears so warranted, her father a virtuoso 
Who left her far too early, and she ever loves him so

Love you Bro,
Larry xxx

Tony Taylor

Big Smiles!!..... what  a VERY clever, and truly poetic reply to "Memory's Forest "......I LOVE it brother!!.....I am a fan!!......thanx for this you fantastically fertile flyer of the un-flyable form of phonetically fascinating and figuratively forgotten favorite forays into fixed fragments of the poetic!!..... you are truly inspiring my friend......alliteratively speaking ~ of course!!...... smiles......T xo ?❤


Larry Ran

Dear Tony,

Freaking, phenomenal, fantastic, fabulous, fortuitous, far-reaching, flaming hot, fucking response my friend.

Smiles back at you,
Larry xxx

Tony Taylor

LOL!!..... thank you for making me smile Sir RICHARD!!..... always a pleasure to hear from you my friend!!..... and you're right of course..... How could I!!???..... smiles.....T xo ?❤

Richard Waters

:) " It is in the depths of those woods that you find " Red Riding Hood "......and the " Big Bad Wolf " !! Still, I would not worry about such as this.
You, have your poetry....to keep you company. Don't you, always ? :)
THERE MUST BE  " RHYME AND REASON " !! Must there not ? Or, " where would we be ? " !! " UP, THE CREEK, WITHOUT A PADDLE !! ".....I suggest. :) :)
Take care, my friend.  :)

Richard Waters

Do not think, my friend, that I was referring to " HUFFING and PUFFING " to blow the " house down " but, to......." BLOWING " THINGS " AWAY " !!!! :) Unless, you want to see it that way !!!! :) :) :)
What I mean is......do you think " poetry " is that popular ? Do you have an opinion ? Are there " cobwebs " present, due to a STALE approach, to this matter ?
Glad, to " hear " from you, at any time, you see fit. Please, do not get me wrong. You, would not, would you ?

Richard Waters

" I will take that, as a " NO ", then ? " !!!   :) :)

Tony Taylor

Hey Sir WATERS!!..... apologies for the slow reply.....I get a LOT of messages and phone calls during the day..... I'm working on songs right now with a member of the Naval Jazz Ensemble for an upcoming album that I'm hoping to have released some time in the spring/summer.,..... so we do a lot of communicating back and forth through "Drop Box" for editing purposes.... anyway, you were asking whether or not I have my poetry to keep me company?... Yes, of course, my music requires a LOT of poetry, literally..... although writing lyrics is a 'little different' than the kind of poetry I write for COSMO!!....I also have Cherie and a TON of friends and family too!!.... whew!..... sometimes it can be a bit intense as it's definitely something I'm not used to.  I have been single a long time so I'm still getting used to the married life!!
                      You also asked whether or not I thought poetry was 'that popular?'....I find that people have a tendency to be interested things that people nearest to them are interested in..... but, for the most part, I don't think poetry is very popular..... that being said, I hang out with a lot of writers, musicians, and entertainers..... in that circle I'd say poetry is extremely popular......I hope I've answered your questions my friend......I am your cyber-friend and admirer.... thank you so much for all your support and inquisitiveness RICHARD!!...... stay groovy brother!!...... later.....T xo ?❤

Richard Waters

I must say, " My life sounds boring, compared to yours !! " You, know how to make the most of it. Your life energy. Before, it drains away due to " passing years " !! In my mind, as I see it, you are the archaetypal cosmopolitan " artisan "....deliberating over it all, and how to express your " rationale "  !! You, seem to need to explore your relevance to the " here and now "...as well as the spiritual nature of your core.
Artistry and " craft " are appreciated by those who LOVE LIFE, AND ALL IT BRINGS. You, give so much time to this site, showing interest in all aspects of it, so, I wanted to express my appreciation of your efforts. And, Cherie's !!
This is a fantastic adventure in to the " jungle ", that represents " collective " representations, and " reaproachment " to the human cravings, and dare I mention, NEEDS ! The essence of the soul must  feel fulfilled " at all times ", to not become redundant....not equipped to remain " whole, and nourished " !!!! :) Individuals of all types, find " some thing they desire " ON THIS " MEDIUM ", we respect. :)
Thanks for listening. my friend. Take care.
THE " HUMAN CONDITION " is so well " advertised " on Cosmofunnel !!! :) 

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