More than just a ghost in a shell

I am more than just this ghost within this shell
More than an image if your perception
I am more than just what we label ourselves as human
I am eternal energy
And will go on forever
Flying off into the stars
Circling Venus, Neptune, Jupiter, and Mars
In an astral conscious journey I create
In a restoration state
Between blinking out and beginning to re-incarnate
I walk the streets of distant dimensions
These dark streets glowing in multicoloured neon
Spacecrafts flying up above my head
I am more alive than ever though you presume me dead
The only thing that died is this shell I was wearing
Now for another umpteenth life I am preparing
And in every re-incarnation I hope to learn more than in my past life
Every new beginning I hope to live life right
But in between times I celebrate with long lost souls and flames
From my ancient soul group I thought I'd never see again
And how good is it to fell their warm kind embrace
In this pure spiritual energy state
And I connect with love on a frequency of which are made of dreams
I feel and see vibrations and waves creating streams
Into consciousness and manifesting physical energy.
So it's not this shell that defines me
And I am more than a ghost
I am all that is creation
And I choose reside in this shell like a divine host
The angel who sacra diced his wing to savour love in human form.

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Such a pleasure to read prolific writers.Β
Thank you very muchΒ
SIR FAUXCROFT!!.....brilliant is the mind of the dreamer....the anticipator....and the puzzler......I can only say....that poetically your rhythmic delivery is precise.....but...for is the 'knowing' within your perceptions that causes me to stop and consider the author's intent......bravo!!.....dear poet brother!!.....I believe we ride similar waves!!......ALL STARS!!......LOVE & ROCKETS!!......T β₯
Thank you very much for your kind and thoughtful words.Β