My coronavirus heroes

The first i would like to offer my thanks of care to,
My 3 suffolk young carers,
8 and 9,
That’s my 3,
Whom together,
To give them their dues,
Look after me when in need,
Clean and help put my mind at ease.
Even down to small things,
Like the making of a cup of tea or black coffee,
From making dinner,
To Hoovering,
Doing the dishes And taking the bins out,
For the family and me.
I don’t know if they are aware of it,
 but I’m proud of them all constantly...
The heroic people amongst us,
That are on the frontline especially,
Fighting against this deadly virus,
This deadly disease.
Whether for food or to treat us medically.
They are the reason,
That on Thursdays nights,
Our clapping,
Beeping of our cars
Boats and their honking,
And whistles all around,
Are just little tokens of thanks,
That should make you all feel so proud.
My partner is with us,
What a difference that’s made,
Her help,
Love and care,
Making happy memories not sad,
Helping to keep me looked after within,
When she’s Ill herself,
Which like me is also bad,
But through this she goes,
Constantly looking after me,
Whether in pain or just sad,
She has had my back since our beginning,
And always had.
The heroic people amongst us,
That are on the frontline especially,
Fighting against this deadly virus,
This deadly disease.
Whether for food or to treat us medically.
They are the reason,
That on Thursdays nights,
Our clapping,
Beeping of our cars
Boats and their honking,
And whistles all around,
Are just little tokens of thanks,
You should all feel so proud.
We all are so thankful,
We all appreciate everything you all do,
Hopefully everyone else will now take the governments advice,
just like me and hopefully the same as you.
We need to rid this illness from our nation and planet,
As the symptoms are like that of a common cold or flu!!
So No one knows if they truly have it,
Just told to isolate and hopefully not to catch it too!
The heroic people amongst us,
That are on the frontline especially,
Fighting against this deadly virus,
This deadly disease.
Whether for food or to treat us medically.
They are the reason,
That on Thursdays nights,
Our clapping,
Beeping of our cars
Boats and their honking,
And whistles all around,
Are just little tokens of thanks,
You should all feel so proud.
Drs appointments,
Now done over the internet or phone,
They have to do this,
Against this virus of the potentially fatal coron!
As with any of the deaths from the corona v,
The suffering is horrible,
And it’s ripping through our community.
As With others,
Who don’t have any sense of unity,
Going out in the sun,
Sharing an ice-cream by the seemingly endless deep blue sea,
Not a care in the world,
For the vulnerable,
The sick and the elderly.
The heroic people amongst us,
That are on the frontline especially,
Fighting against this deadly virus,
This deadly disease.
Whether for food or to treat us medically.
The heroic people amongst us,
That are on the frontline especially,
Fighting against this deadly virus,
This deadly disease.
Whether for food or to treat us medically.
They are the reason,
That on Thursdays nights,
Our clapping,
Beeping of our cars
Boats and their honking,
And whistles all around,
Are just little tokens of thanks,
You should all feel so proud.
They are the reason,
That on Thursdays nights,
Our clapping,
Beeping of our cars
Boats and their honking,
And whistles all around,
Are just little tokens of thanks,
That should make you all feel so proud.
Walks in the park and still meeting In public,
Hugging each other,
Spreading the virus potentially.
Do they not realise,
We’ve still got at least 9 weeks left in solidarity.
Probably more now!
Due to others,
With their ignorance and stupidity!
The heroic people amongst us,
That are on the frontline especially,
Fighting against this deadly virus,
This deadly disease.
Whether for food or to treat us medically.
They are the reason,
That on Thursdays nights,
Our clapping,
Beeping of our cars
Boats and their honking,
And whistles all around,
Are just little tokens of thanks,
You should all feel so proud.
At least I’ve my 3 boys and my partner,
As There are some out there with no friends or family,Â
no one to have their back,
But at least they now know,
There are people out there,
To help all those who are vulnerable to see,
Helping all those that are isolated,Â
For what ever reason it may be.
From nurses coming out to administer drugs,
Its safer at home and won’t be taking any chances,
To the helping hands,
 helping with food and broken domestic goods.
Just a few of the amazing people,
Working in our neighbourhoods.
The heroic people amongst us,
That are on the frontline especially,
Fighting against this deadly virus,
This deadly disease.
Whether for food or to treat us medically.
They are the reason,
That on Thursdays nights,
Our clapping,
Beeping of our cars
Boats and their honking,
And whistles all around,
Are just little tokens of thanks,
You should all feel so proud.
For me,
One lady and her charity come to mind,
And that’s the ultra amazing Maureen and her charity FIND.
She has,
To us,
been crucial in our hours of need.
Now more than ever,
Am I grateful to Finds founder Maureen!
I don’t know how she does it,
Especially during this period of quarantine.
She helps us with food and essential household bits.
To us,
She’s our fairy godmother queen!Â
The heroic people amongst us,
That are on the frontline especially,
Fighting against this deadly virus,
This deadly disease.
Whether for food or to treat us medically.
They are the reason,
That on Thursdays nights,
Our clapping,
Beeping of our cars
Boats and their honking,
And whistles all around,
Are just little tokens of thanks,
You should all feel so proud.
Shotley good neighbours are priceless,
As is all the help I’ve found,
Other than friends or relatives,
They do shotley proud.
They pick up my prescriptions,
When no one else is around.
Also doing some shopping,
When the essentials have all run out.
They’ve saved my health in so many ways,
They seem to love their job,
And don’t mind the extra running about...
The heroic people amongst us,
That are on the frontline especially,
Fighting against this deadly virus,
This deadly disease.
Whether for food or to treat us medically.
They are the reason,
That on Thursdays nights,
Our clapping,
Beeping of our cars
Boats and their honking,
And whistles all around,
Are just little tokens of thanks,
You should all feel so proud.
Then there’s the nurses in the community,
Triage calls only now,
Down at the drs surgery.
Also the carers for you,
Not forgetting Meredith,
my p.a and carer for me.
She helps with walking the dog,
Helps cook and clean,
And keeps the boys in line,
Without being to strict and mean....
All the emergency services,
With the police put out there in force.
Protecting and controlling the streets,
From the selfish who aren’t listening,
To the new advice that the government are constantly giving.
As if it wasn’t for them,
There wouldn’t be a chance for us,
Amongst the living.Â
The NHS and everyone that’s helped us through this pandemic that’s developing.
All we want is our country back,
And our economy levelling.
The same for the rest of the world,
That’s how fast this virus is spreading!
The heroic people amongst us,
That are on the frontline especially,
Fighting against this deadly virus,
This deadly disease.
Whether for food or to treat us medically.
They are the reason,
That on Thursdays nights,
Our clapping,
Beeping of our cars
Boats and their honking,
And whistles all around,
Are just little tokens of thanks,
You should all feel so proud.
A whole nation to thank you,
So hear us cheering,
Clapping and whistling,
Theres so many of us doing it,
And making sure that it’s loud!

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