Never again

It happened we know it did,
One culture virtually annihilated,
For being different that's why,
One man blamed everything on them,
Thought of them as sub human,
Something to get rid off,
Spouting evil his tenticles reaching far and wide,
Others started to believe his evil,
They where shoved into ghettos,
Made to wear a yellow star,
It was not enough he wanted them dead,
Walked to pits and shot dead,
Shoved into cattle cars going to camps,
Left or right ment life or death,
Gas chambers at the ready,
Romani gypsies, homosexuals those physically and mentally disabled murdered too,
God why????
His name is well known,
Those murdered their names forgotten,
Prey to all the gods of the world ..... never again.

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Hi, Tracy, good piece
I wrote a similar piece (in Dutch) last fall when my wife (if Jewish descent) adioted a brick bearing the name of her great grandmother who was murdered (aling with some forty othe family members). The brick is part of the Holocaust monument in Amsterdam, which we of course visited in that same month. Never again is too soon, yet once more the world is beginning to scare me at night again😱🗺️🙏 Thanx
For those who do remember those times and losing loved ones I send my love and thoughts and for the generations that have come after plz keep telling about your family so they are never forgotten x
Highlighting how quickly evil spreads. Always makes my skin crawl to think of these moments. Innocence brutally killed as people allow a mad man to exercise his twisted mind on the masses. A great piece
thanks for sharing x
Thank you this time of yr with all the programs on tv make me remember all those murdered and how some will never be named x