Nine Years Without You
Nico Ran 7-26-01 -2-16-15

This day marks an Anniversary, that I have grown so much to fear;
It’s the one you had to leave me on, it has now been nine sad years!
My heart still sits so shattered, broken far beyond repair;
My Soul will weep forever, wishing you were still right there!
If only you’d been given, the same lives of a kitty cat;
You would still be on your ninth one, in all the places you once sat!
We’d have shared an extra decade, ten more years till you said goodbye;
And floated up to Heaven, where I would join you by and by!
But now every day without you, leaves a void cannot be filled;
With wracking sobs of sorrow, and a pain that ne’er be stilled!
Today I relive the one you left me, a “déjà vu” I will ne’er forget;
When I lost my Angel Nico, this tale of woe then be beset!
Nine Years Without You
Three thousand plus days of pain
Heart and Soul broken

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Hello Larry...
Welcome Back!
I'm sorry you're heartbroken today...
I Hope you and Linda are well...
​​​​​​I know the feeling...
Hard to smile type of day...
Do you see them through Cookie?
Did you think they could ever leave you forever?
Cookie is a blessing...
7-26-2010 I became a Nana...
Too young to be...
Bittersweet day..
For the both of us...
Beautiful write!
Thank you for sharing...
Dear sparrowsong,
It's great to be back, even though for the time being, I will be posting sparingly due to my heavy involvement in the booming art market. So interesting that July 26th has a very special meaning for you too. I still cry for our boys daily, but my love for Cookie far supercedes the pain. Thank you for your beautiful comment.
Peace and love,