Nine Years Without You – Part 2

We had laid you down in your “beddy”, to get a good night’s sleep;
With Little Cody in his “beddy” by you, to be his Brother’s keep!
Two hours later he ran into out bedroom, frantic and upset;
We went racing out to see you, a horrid sight we met!
You laid sprawled out on the tiles, your lifeless body laying still;
Deafening screams erupted from my larynx, the whole house did they fill!
“Not yet, not yet”, I roared out, “Not yet, my Dear Soul Mate”;
But my pleas would not be heeded, with the Grim Reaper you had a date!
We wrapped you in a pink blanket, and put you back in bed;
I carried you to our bedroom, as countless tears I shed!
I laid by you all the night long, stroking you as I uncontrollably wept;
Today when I want be near you, I stroke the box where your ashes now are kept!
Oh my Dear Soulmate
Never will I stop weeping
My heart ever torn

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Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!.....I am ever impressed
by your love!!.....Peace dear brother poet and may
your words linger ever on......ALL STARS!!....LOVE
& ROCKETS!!.....T xo
Dear Tony,
Great to be back, although, for the time being, only in a limited way. The art business is booming, and me, the "Road Warrior", is on a rampage. Things will slow down a little in a few months, so I'll be more of a presence. Been missing you! Thanks for your beautiful comment.
Peace and love,