Not so perfect mum
For H and h

I quit my job today. I think you know the one. I told them all I'm finished, I'm sick and tired of being mum
I'm not sure that they heard me
because when dinner time arrived
hungry people started
to appear before me
so I ran away to hide
I sat alone in silence as the mayhem slowly began to rise, I covered my ears so tightly as tears built up silently leaked from my eyes
"I'm just having another bad day",
Thats what I tell myself
I know this feeling soon will pass,
but right now I need to stop
putting my feelings in last
You see
Someone ALWAYS needs me
There's so much that
I probably should see through,
but as soon as I finish
one mindless task,
I"ll find ten more stupid jobs to do
Today was much like any day
I was early out of bed, I had'nt slept more than two hours together and a headache pounded loudly through my head
I couldn't make a coffee as the milk again was gone, so I sulked and cursed my way to work, knowing that this morning had started out all wrong
I rushed home after milking
to sort the kiddies out
We had but 15mins to spare,
before it was time to go
So i wake and feed them breakfast
And sort yet another washing load
It's now I start to do that thing
That a lot of us mothers do
I'd start about twentyseven different jobs, Unable to see any of them through
I go to put the washing on
but i see the powder is all gone
I head to the kitchen to add it to
my list of shopping that later il do
I start to make school lunches
but when I open up the fridge
I see it needs a wipe down and
as i start on this
I add more fridge items to my list
I start to fill the dishwasher,
but remember I had seen
two coffee cups on the living room floor and 3 breakfast bowls not clean.
I head off to grab those dishes
but now I'm staring at the floor
I think il have to vacuum and mop so I head for the hallway door
As I go to start the vacuum its the rubbish bin I saw 👀
half it's contents spilling out
So I take it and put it out the door
And now I spot the freezer
and the dreaded thought
creeps up on me
I need to get some meat out
and think what on earth il cook tonight for tea
I don't send the kids to school today
" it's fine " I tell myself
maybe if they are home today
I can ask them for some help?
I work my 9 paid hours such a busy farming job, Guess now iv got to find the strength to go home and be the wife and busy working mum
The house looks as though its been hit by some sort of disaster, possibly a tornado or a lightning storm,
one child's crying loudly
the others bouncing off the walls
So it's now in this moment
I loose all my self-control
I raise my voice and anannounce
" I'm finished being mum today"
Im done , its over, I'm through.
I'm crying uncontrollably
hiding behind the washouse door
im feeling sad but angry with my self
that I don't want this job nomore
I know I'm meant to be the mum
and that it's a full time 'special' job
I'm just so damb tired
and this days been rather long
I meltdown for an hour
I cry silent but want to shout,
then I hear two little voices from behind the door that say...
"mummy when are you coming out?"
I pull myself together, take some deep breaths, first one then two then four
Then with one final calming breath,
I push and open up the door
They tackle me both giggling
we all fall down laughing a little more
We land into a pile of dirty clothing that's exploded on the floor
I start to think more clearly
and It apparent now to me,
that the messy house iv been so stressed about, isn't the house that these kids could ever see
It not about the rooms or all the untidy things I saw,
it about this house being their happy place, And right now OUR home
Lays cuddling on a dirty laundry floor
I may be the maid, the cook,the calendar and alarm ,I'm also the best singer the've ever heard, I'm a party planner and a teacher a part time lawyer and a judge ,I'm the doctor and the nurse, I'm Santa, toothfairy and easter bunny, im a big long list of things but I only answer to mum or mummy
I'm going to have good days where I allow a messy house then some days I might want to quit and hide, cry and feel sorry for myself
Il never have things perfect
But each time i look at my two son's
I know that I was chosen just for them
to be their not so perfect mum
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this reader .. seemingly the two hundred and twenty sixth viewer/reader to date, can appreciate every single one of your words and knows full well where you are coming from ..
I only hope that now these most deserving words will attract a viewing public who will appreciate them and leave a little of themselves behind ..
Yours Sincerely,
Neville x