Notice Us

I’m sick of this. God can’t you open your eyes.
Look around you, can’t you see that this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.
Children acting as if they mean nothing to anybody
And your letting them think they deserve this
But I’m here to say you don’t
You don’t deserve to be abused and used and made feel like you don't matter.
You walk around with this smile that you have, but you know at home you finally let yourself feel the emotions you cut off today.
Because you feel as if your not allowed to feel the feelings that you have.
That your not allowed to feel sad because your not being abused, raped, but other people are so they have a reason to be this way.
Something our parents, teachers and even other students find repulsive or imaginary for our youth.
They tell us that they have been through worse, that they have been abused and neglected as well so that if anybody should be depressed it’s
But what they don’t know is that they probably are.
The signs are there.
They have problems just like us, they have feelings just like us.
They say it will pass soon, but then if it passes why do people feel like suicide is the only answer.
Suicide, another word they disregard
They call us weak, that we can’t handle the real world. That we need thicker skin like them.
If having thicker skin makes us like them.
How they disregard the mental health, the emotional health of their own children.
Call me out.
They might have had it worse than us, and they might have been depressed, but they don’t even know it.
We are the only generation that have actually raised awareness of depression and suicide.
We take notice in our generation.
We notice how sad they feel, we notice how something isn’t right when they talk.
We notice details, details that adults notice only when its too late.
Then they go around saying why don’t they ask for help?
It’s because of them
We are in a generation where we are scared.
We are criticized for asking questions
Out of fear we hold back
Out of fear we don’t ask
Out of fear we stay in the dark
We live in a world were asking questions is bad
We live in a world where if you are upset you aren’t allow to show
If your depressed you can’t say anything
If you have a voice you aren’t supposed to shout it out to the rooftops into the sky
Because its socially wrong to voice your own opinion
And if you do, it’s criticized and made fun of.
So you stay quiet
You stay quiet because you think everybody feels like they’re drowning
You stay quiet because you think everybody feels like it’s normal to be scared of your own self when your alone
Then they blame us for not speaking out our opinions and fears.
But it’s not our fault
We don’t turn out this way because of TV shows, or songs or anything else
How could we turn this way?
Fearing ourselves
Fearing everything about our culture because being ourselves isn’t cool
When somebody finally takes notice you have to lie about it because of the fear
Because we are supposed to ignore it but we can’t
We can’t ignore feelings and fears and everything about our lives
We can’t ignore the whispers that are said when we walk into a room
Or the laughs we hear when we dare to try
It’s not our fault we feel this way
I don’t care what other people say it’s not
They don’t believe that this is a problem but it is
And that’s why they ignore it
They all ignore the bad things about this life
But once something good happens thats when all the bad things are said
Can’t you once support and be kind?
I didn’t think so
So can we finally figure this out?
Can we actually prove to you, the nonbelievers, that this is real
That it could be your daughter or son laying there with an empty pill bottle in their hand
Their eyes closed with a note beside them saying
I couldn’t take it anymore
I couldn’t stand being here
I tried I really did
But nothing helped
I didn’t want to leave
But it forced my hand
So I had to leave
I had to go, I had to chose this
I tried to warn them
But they didn’t believe me
Well, do you believe me now?
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