Poem -

Numbers That Talk

Communism it’s hurt and ways

Numbers That Talk

Numbers That Talk 
How they only put things in my mind 
Words like a wire with a destiney to my ear
Put in whatever you want me to say
Freudian to whatever I ever would remember to say
Communism its hurt and ways 
One two seconds delay 
I lay here alone while i only sit and walk 
No rest, no sleep, i think only about to be free 
No i say, to what i should obey to
Slower it goes, harder it feels 
I sit in a metro almost to arrive at Dortmurt Hauptbahnhof 
Slowly to fast, to fast to slowly 
One two seconds delay 
To what i was about to say 
To what not to obey 
All i ask 
Can i show my face? 
Or hide it to not be blinded 
We all shine and with canned wine I could not even dine 
Too less to spend on daily needs 
To make it all fine 
So i could survive 
As others survive 
When I survive
But do they care? 

How they only put things in my mind..
Nadiya Amina 
Dortmund, HBF Deutschland

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