Poem -

Orgies and Massacres

Orgies and Massacres


"Life begins within the love of beauty generated by nature, love is an eternal feeling and becomes a company within us"

Williamsji Maveli and SparrowSong.

Any writer who publishes in COSMOFUNNEL are honored that the editors of the website select one of his works to promote it on FB, but in my case, and due to the problems derived from the language the honour and satisfaction is even bigger, and with more reason, having so much talent between author profiles.

I started with a little fear, hahahahahaha, but thanks to the support of Carlos Gomez, Nardine Sanderson, Yotanka Coicou, Ibrahim Honjo, Chantal Jagger, Susan Worrall, Gabriella Duncan, Tonya Graham Wilman, Steven Blue, Karen Dalyea, Hank Beukema, Mathias Safari and thanks also to John E. WordSlinger, among other authors of English-speaking, my confidence was restored, rebuilt from ruins, and perfectly recovered from the rubble of the past.

When I discovered COSMOFUNNEL I was a block, just it seemed perfect and one or otherwise had to intervene on the page and overwhelmed me to think that I would not receive the support of its members, it has not happened and from the first moment I got accepted to share their creativity, their emotions and to enjoy so much talent gathered around a funnel , the funnel of the cosmos.

* Official: ¸.·*¨)¸.·*Orgies and Massacres *

¸.·*¨)¸.·*Winds yearning in torture
are now an overcast mature,
and explode in love’s nature·.¸¸.
¸.·*¨)¸.·*Raining sex, kisses tell
And umbrellas are held
by Armies of the kettle·.¸¸.
….blue burning
¸.·*¨)¸.·*And when thoughts dry
from wash, soldiers put down
their guns to bathe in seclusion·.¸¸.
…..until the shining
¸.·*¨)¸.·*Eyes of conscious
harden storms strategic deep ambition:
Sub-conscious babes, parents rivers flow
And adolescent blood tingles growth
Only to be left alone in moments coldness
Icy inclinations melt identity, fire blows*·.¸¸.
drive singularity out-
Out in to the suns clarity
And wilderness discretely
celebrates victory of fruit·.¸¸.
¸.·*¨)¸.·*Who separates baskets
of perverts, and hypocrites
And hand picks and sorts
the bright and dull?·.¸¸.
¸.·*¨)¸.·*Odd fashion and tradition
Both are even iconic rescue missions
But the hands of life and death
are slippery and full·.¸¸.!

Poetry E Train.

Thanks to Poetry E Train last summer I met with my roots in poetry, and thanks to COSMOFUNNEL this summer I've become to enthuse with surrealism, my life had become very realistic, figurative and very grid, but it was written in the old walls of the fate that AMOR means the same as LOVE, that PAZ is also written PEACE and your TIME is the same TIEMPO as mine.

A sense and big hug for everyone.

I want to thank Cherie Sumner, Tony Taylor, SparrowSong, Mirela, Mr Maveli, Richard Waters, and all those people who have smiled or touched any of my publications.

“And as the deformed pointed his finger to the little Harlequin of the sky erupted seven seven-headed snakes spitting fire and Lightning by each of their languages”

Peter Kill.


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Hello Lucas...

Thank you for this...


Thank you for sharing...




Lucas Lazar

Persons who are not grateful are not people born well, thanks to some individuals represents a heavy burden and due to that the world is full of unpleasant people, is not my case and never gives me blush to thank those concerned for my and do me some kind of good. About what you say talent, I personally believe that the talent you have it, I just am an apprentice writer. This month of August I will publish several compositions written exclusively for COSMOFUNNEL, any of them will surprise you and will start you with a smile, "The Patient Peter Kill", "The Office of SparrowSong" and "Love and Rockets" are some of them.


A hug.

Curious Onlooker

Wow this was very beautiful and meaningful, haha I love the poem, I'm glad that so far you've had a very great experience here, as small the community is its also spacious in its diversity and heartbeat which gives it it's own sense of pride, to compliment the funnel is like complimenting the whole family so without further ado, thank you

~A mere onlooker

Lucas Lazar

Thank you very much, I love that liked the poem a simple spectator? Hahahahahaha, I think you're much more than a simple spectator. If you like to read poetry and poetry-related writings you give an address on FB. Poetry Train Spain, if the content is to your liking, once inside you can click a page like. A greeting.

Lucas Lazar

Hello Mark, Surrealism always transcends all the boundaries of reality and presents to the audience a vision of a different world than the rational, attractive sometimes, sometimes repulsive, but always trying to impress.

Long ago I stopped doing things surreal but the encounter with Peter Kill has done that I become interested in surrealist art. In my desire to learn I have worked almost all the pictorial and sculptural styles, work quite well the hyper reality, but when it comes to creativity due to its immediacy, I prefer figurative reality.

Realistic painting ceased to have a visual interest when it patented the first camera. Now only do digital compositions, but handmade, and when lame brushes to compose any physical work tend to be the compositions of very simple implementation, a painting children but aimed at an adult audience. A greeting and thanks for commenting.


Hyper-realistic art requires time and dedication, hahahahahahaha, time and dedication, but my psyche does not allow me to work as Antonio Lopez for several years in the same work.

Devon La Porte

Awesome write Lucas, really enjoyed this and how much you appreciate this site cosmofunnel really is a great place to share and everyone hear is full of support allstars. Ps i will be reading more of your work much enjoyed

Lucas Lazar

Many thanks to Devon La Porte for his kind comments, praise always are welcome but when who makes them is an author as the Porse you value even more, but at this writing the merit is not me but from Mr WordSlinger.

Thank you also for PoetessDarkly, and say the same as Devon, a reader votes fill of I joy to any author, but if that vote deposited it so cool as PoetessDarkly author the illusion is greater.

The title of a poem, a song, a movie or a novel is fundamental and prepares the reader or the Viewer for content within the format, I would like to thank also Liian Varus, yet I have not read much of this author and I can hardly remember any of his compositions, but now that I've memorized your name I will correct that error a hug for everyone and sorry for the delay in reply, really hadn't seen the comments until today.

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