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Poem -

A Very Special Hummingbird

One poetic soul to another. For Sylvia Plath.

A Very Special Hummingbird

A beautiful mind, gifted
awareness at a very young age
using her wisdom to write...

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The Burns in Me

The Burns in Me

Tonight is Burns night
I have no haggis to devour
yet, in my living room the bagpipes shall...

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Bukowski's Muse

Bukowski's  Muse

Yes, I admit
my work is never posh
I've never liked fancy poetry
I don’t need a...

Poem -


Since there is a woman in most of my poems
I might as well put one together that's about


Poem -


Burn or preserve?
Frantic and free unfolding
During an iron of affliction,

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Where were you when you were still twenty five?
it's as though the programme was going out live;...

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China's Greatest Poet

China's Greatest Poet

Du Fu conjured magic beyond people like you and I,
'For long now I've been tainted by poetry and...

Poem -


In the air, stunning the mild mill.
Early morning mud paths
Ground into the earth, a cow herd...

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Only Me

Only Me

I hope you know
I can't live without you
I just hope that you care
I have no reason...

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Literary Experts

Literary Experts

It's easy to pooh pooh and dismiss everything out of hand,
clutching at straws with the zig-zag...

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To Olena Ivanivna Teliha

To Olena Ivanivna Teliha

By Yiyan Han (c) 2023-07-21

Today is the birthday of Olena Ivanivna Teliha, a famous Ukrainian poet...

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The Day I Met The Bard

The Day I Met The Bard

'Thou dost pen a mean line,' Will said to me one day,
I said that I try my best to get everything in...

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The silent Language

A poem of Telepathy

The silent Language

In the silence, words are spoken,

Without a sound, they're often broken.

A language, pure,...

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Mature the mind
that's the power
of poetry.

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W.B. Yeats: ( A True Poet)

W.B. Yeats: ( A True Poet)

Yeats knew in his bones,
pen is mightier than sword.
He was prescient.

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I joined, into the valley of death rode the six hundred,
where have you been, lonely as a cloud I...