Pray for Us

Are there any patriots left out there?
Who will stand up tall and loudly declare
America is the greatest; none other compare.
Who among us will risk and dare?
To show our enemies they had best beware
That against our might, they have no prayer.
Or are these questions asked in err
Because there is no loyalty left to spare
To each their own and they don’t care.
It’s become all about just getting your share.
Loving thy neighbor is becoming rare.
Society is broken and in disrepair.
Parents are too busy to be aware.
All of our children are raised in daycare.
Morals and principles are learned elsewhere.
The politicians are pushing social welfare
Higher minimum wage and free healthcare
And total destruction of laissez faire.
Hollywood is waging psychological warfare
In grand display of glitter and glare
Compelling all to join their vanity fair
But it’s all just depravity designed to snare
Uninformed individuals left unaware
Of the dangers that lurk in the wicked lair.
Debauchery and corruption are everywhere
Deviance and perversion are the nom de guerre
It is an immoral self-indulgence nightmare.
So to America, my allegiance, I do swear
But when I kneel to say my evening prayer
I ask God to please watch over my only heir.

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America IS the greatest! Always has been and always will be. No country can compete with our economy, technology or our military. Our form of government is the reason we are so strong. Freedom and opportunity to do or be whatever you want and competition to drive excellence. As long as the liberal politicians do not succeed in giving everything away to the slobs that don't want to work for anything, we will continue to dominate. As far as those with no morals... God will take care of them.Â