
Not a sound did he utter or a word did he say
As he loitered in shadows just watching his prey.
The girl chatted freely as she tossed back her hair,
His look of content and his deep dark stare.
As she stood to leave, said goodbye to her friends
His thoughts of revenge, to make amends.
As she walked to the bus stop, didn't know his plan,
As he pulled up beside her in his beaten up van.
She looked, she remembered, she knew that face,
He grabbed her and took her to that awful place.
With her arms bound tight and mouth taped shut,
He was shouting and screaming and threatening to cut.
She cried and she mumbled, she tried to speak,
He wasn't listening as she grew so weak.
Her head hit the ground with a terrible thump,
Then he noticed her belly, her baby bump.
Threw into panic, what should he do
He could hurt just her not a little one too.
He thought and he worried as he wondered and paced,
To kill her and baby, what a terrible waste.
As she stirred and sat up, realised where she was,
Started crying again, the horror, just because.
She stared through his eyes and into his soul
Even then not seeing his ultimate goal.
He turned as he spoke, so not face to face,
Why did he bring her to this awful place.
He said he was sorry, he didn't know why
He had no excuse, couldn’t muster a sigh.
It was him that had cheated, went off to play,
She found out she was pregnant on the exact same day.
Didn't tell him the truth, it was him told a lie,
She wished he would just crawl away to die.
She said she was sorry, to cause false pretence,
He cut off the rope, he thought it made sense.
She stepped forward with the shard of glass
She found it when pushed onto the wet grass.
He stepped back said no, roles reversed
It was going to plan just how she rehearsed.
The shard entered his body, up through his chest,
As she pushed she twisted, done her very best.
She got her revenge on her cheating man
As she rolled his body into the back of the van.
As she drove to the yard site, she looked at the clock,
Just in time, new cement at the dock.
Backed up the hole, and opened the door,
Pushed in the body as the machine starts to pour.
They gave up looking after quite a few years
As her daughter asks for daddy through childhood tears…….

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Hi Tina, many thanks.. Xx
Oooooo,this was intense. Beautifully captured and hooked me up till the last word. Amazing piece ?????
Thank you, I appreciate your positive comments... Xxx
Welcome xx
Well hells bells lol! Very vivid poetry if I must say.. a movie projected by placement of word..
Thank you. X
Thank you.... I might give that a go.. Xx