Rodin's The Thinker (an Ekphrastic offering!)

Poised above the Gates of Hell ,surveying the monstrous pit of eternal damnation…
Yet…melancholic, rather than aghast, at the prospect laid before him.
Far from the Divine Comedy, he sits alone, in solitary, contemplative thought.
To a fresh contemporary eye, appears a modern, secular man ..strong in mind and body taut.
Yet lonely and still as a statue.. but.. arranged with a sense of movement..
His arm resting on his knee- an exaggerated pose.. but deceiving the mind to believe
at any moment… he could rise up and leave

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Hi ! I had never heard of Ekphrastic poetry but having read up on it I think its really interesting because you can learn something about a particular piece of art and then write about it so you come away knowing much more that you started with!! this was really well done and although I have seen The Thinker it actually made me look at it through fresh eyes- love this and have pinned it for future reference! Thank you for introducing something new and challenging! xx
Thanks so much Steveic ! I have to say I enjoyed this a lot- thank you for your kind words as always xxx
Hey LG!!..... My family home is in Arlington, Virginia.... about a ten minute drive to downtown Washington DC and the 'Smithsonian Institute' museums....,, as a teenager I used to go there frequently ....just to sit in front "The Gates Of HELL"...,.. one of the most amazing artistic achievements ever!!..... my brother and I would alter our states of consciousness and I'd write poetry while he drew into his sketch book!!..... for hours at a time........ Nobody like RODIN in this world!!.......this write of yours has taken me back to a place in time I don't often get to visit....... you've painted a VERY engrossing piece here dear poet sister.... and I thank you.... truly I DO!!.....ALL STARS!!........ well done......LOVE and ROCKETS!!.....T xo ?✳✴☀???
You are so welcome Tony! when I was deciding which piece of art to compose an Ekphrastic piece on I felt that The Thinker was something that I was familar with and found even a little enigmatic. I can understand why you and your brother felt so drawn towards Rodin's work- but how wonderful to have such wonderful memories of that time in your life!- thank you for your kind words and an insight into the Young Tony'!! xx
awesome in Ana! I guess I am not the only one who sees poetry in art. gorgeous!
Hi Lisa, art and poetry go hand in hand don’t they? Each an expression of the artist/poets inner thoughts and feelings..I can't pretend to love or understand all art or poetry but I do my best!! Thanks so much for reading and commenting, really appreciate it hun! Xxx
My Dear Lodigiana,
Auguste Rodin's masterpiece
A sculpture of everlasting fame
Yet, no one knows who "The Thinker" is
For he was never given name
The artist left conjecture be
Each viewer, there own surmise
Some pondered and found it be grotesque
Beauties' in the beholder's eyes
Larry xxx
Dearest Larry, what a beautiful, stand alone piece of poetry you have given me- It's beautiful..thank you for sharing xxx
So are you.
Larry xxx
I’m late to the party
it’s cause I am Jai
how come we just be
i think therefore I am Rodin
now I’m feeling
if this statue could only talk
what is it saying to us in humanity
may I call you Ana
I am Jai:)))
I will keep reading thee.
Best wishes.
Hello Jai, I love your entertaining comments and I would be honoured if you called me Ana..but firstly me Friend! Isn’t this a wonderful site?! xxx
Ana xxx
Ana I am calling you
are you new on earth -
were you just born
I was waiting for a poet like you
not in a weird way
rather an intellectual way
as Poe once said
sleep and dream
love & light
Jai :)))