They're looking for Good people to show up...
Show the truth...
Maybe, you could add new ideas...
It's time to come out from hiding...
If you're able to run for office and you have good ideas...
You're confident in your team...
You'll get your sponsors...
You could have a job in a very high position...
You have solutions...
More intelligent people that understand tax dollars...
Join the Legislature...
Tell them what you have...
I'm thinking about the School Board...
There's someone out there better than me...
There's always someone better than you...
It just is...
Please Apply...
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Taking a chance it can get worse but, it won't...
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Should DEI have to fight or just win?
Hello SparrowsongΒ
I enjoyed this interesting pieceΒ
Hope you are well
Lorna xx
Hello Lorna...
Aren't we hilarious?
We're doing everything right...
To destroy ourselves...
Thank you for your kind comment and support...
Thank you very much...
I hope you are well too...
Best wishes and blessings...
So true, things are so off kilter these days!
Hello JP...
If I didn't listen to people...
If I didn't have the access to see and to know...
I really wouldn't have known that things are so off kilter...
I probably would have thought do they know the same story teller?
ββββββI probably would have traveled blind and got hurt really bad or worse...
I could have been car jacked...
I could have been murdered in a theater...
I definitely wouldn't have believed people are pooping out in public...
So many things...
But, I can't solve the Why puzzle...
I have tried really hard to solve it...
I don't why it's so hard to solve...
People fought for it...
They won...
Maybe, it's not the puzzle for me to try and solve in the first place...
Maybe, it's really just none of my business...
They didn't come after my children...
Maybe, they knew they wouldn't have got very far...
Thank you for your kind comment and support...