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The fish of the sea

Long time no see Chris, or am I just unobservant ;)? Love this one a lot. Such a kind tribute. Its the SOs that are always there for us, couldn't go on without them. Kudos to you my friend. Peace and smiles. Your friend TFOTS

The fish of the sea

Also Chris, I'm busy commenting to all my friends on here, you're next on the list ;). I just wanted to say that I'm taking a break over the last weeks of December so I wanted to wish you a happy holidays and happy new year my friend. Peace and smiles to you. The Fish of the SeaĀ 

Chris Bond

Good evening FOTS and huge apologies for not replying sooner , Iā€™m a postman here and the last couple weeks have been the busiest Iā€™ve ever known over Christmas! Hence not posting much here , thank you for your kind words about my poem and wishing you a very merry Christmas and surely 2021 must be an upgrade on 2020 ! Hopes the new year bring you & your family Ā great health, great memories and keep up the great poems ! Love and peace, Chris šŸ‘

Poem -

51 , 697

A heck of a lot !

51 , 697

All those minutes
Just in one year
A stream that kept flowing
A torrent through the...

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Never A Good Time

Never A Good Time

When can it be said
Without too much fall out or heartbreak
When can it be said

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Air Guitar !

Frustrated Rock Star

Air Guitar !

I had played nearly a concert in our kitchen
Until my wife came in
- And asked what on earth...

Latest poems in Freestyle, Sonnet

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Hereā€™s What

Hereā€™s What

Hereā€™s what I like about this poetry channel
Itā€™s all free speech
A place called Cosmofunnel...

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Snow White šŸŽšŸŒ¹

Snow White šŸŽšŸŒ¹

Snow White

Angel maiden of love and beauty

Skin white as snow


Poem -




When the only choice they gave you is to watch...

There was nothing else you can do...


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