Slipping Away, You’re More Than a Mother

Helping you feel independent, is a twenty-four-hour day,
Make your coffee in the morning, wouldn’t have it any other way.
Preparing all your meals, has been the joy of my life.
Just the same things you did for dad, as his loving, devoted wife.
Just a chip off the old block, Oh I wish that could only be true.
No matter how hard I tried, I could never be as perfect as you.
You were the most perfect mother, nobody could ever compare.
You made every bit of my clothing, sewed it all with your loving care.
Combed our hair & washed our faces, home cooked meals & washed our clothes
Right at our side when we’re sickly, with hot soup & to blow our nose.
Read us all bedtime stories, tucked us safely all snug in our beds.
Raised us to be independent, while watching that we don’t bump our heads.
You always made time for us children, we always felt important that’s true.
You made us feel so very special, with all that you use to do.
I don’t want you to notice, just how sick you’re getting to be.
I’m trying to make you feel special, like you always did for me.
Now when I wash your hair, I remember when you washed mine.
We look at the family photos, forgotten with the age of time.
When you were a Girl Scout leader, or head of a Cub Scout pack.
You were always thinking of someone else, I wish I could bring you back.
The respect everyone had for you, always made me feel so proud.
A mighty tough reputation to live up to, hope I can stand out in the crowd.
You raised a house full of leaders, not a follower in the bunch.
But I wish you’d cooperate, when I’m trying to feed you lunch.
When you wake up from a nap, often looking for Charlie, (my dad).
I’m so happy that he is with you, then you realize he’s not & you’re sad.
As I help you get dressed for the day, sometimes I just want to cry.
Remembering all you’ve done for this world, I’m not ready to say goodbye.
You’ve been so much more than a mother, a grandma, a teacher and friend.
You were our moral compass, and that will carry us till our end.
My brother’s & I were the luckiest kids, that had ever been born on this earth.
To have a mother that made our friends jealous, right from the start of our birth.
Nancy Seberiano

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As I care for Mom now, sometimes she knows who I am & sometimes she does not.
This is excellent, Nancy!
Beautiful!...It's sad to watch the people we love suffering from one form of illlness or the other...From your write, it is obvious your mum is a wonderfull person and you are really close...Really enjoyed reading this...Nicely written