So much more than you'll ever know

She's only just my everything
I only love her more ever truly absolutely more than everything
Shes my happy
she's that place inside me
That light that shines that guides me
she's my guidinglight
she brings me back
helps guide my way home
where away I go
I wonderwaed so so far
I roamed till I lost me way so far
gone but shes the light
thats her lov
It's s what finds me
It saved my life
her light it shines
so that I might see
I don't think there's any way
she could possibly ever truly know
or even believe
exactly just how much I love her
with all of my soul
wiith my entire being
wherever She goes
wherever that may be
THats where my home's at
iits home for me
she'll always be that
I wonder if she realizes or even things
When I say I love her more than anything
That's it's so incorectly stated
that would be to so way
I love her so much more than
THat it cant be said
words couldn't have said it
The way I see her it's kind of way
That I look at sunsets
I love watching them
its so beautiful but it couldnt
match there's no comparison
for what I see when I look at her
I see something that's better than many suns
Her beautiful aura of colors that could paint the picture to
describe what beautiful should look like
with a glow that's so bright if you stare too long you'd go blind
she's the most beautiful sunset
that she sets in my skies every night
I love her so much
For her to be sad
makes me die inside
That my existence is within her love without her I don't exist
without her I'm nothing much
she's my breath of life
That lets me breathe
I would suffocate if I lost her love
I Lovve her so much
she's just my essence
to live without her
I'd lose my sense of self
she's how I help identify who I
am without her I'm lost
and I don't know who I am
I just know I would never be me again
To say with words how much I love her like I did when I first started writing this
IS to say but I love her so much more any form of words I could ever put together
Everything that I've written
Or anything that I could ever write
I don't care how you could ever say it you would never describe
Cuz no words could be said
That Could ever begin to touch any description of what I'm feeling from the essence of who I am of how much love I have for her
I love her so much that
My feelings can't even feel how much it would be to feel
what true divinity would feel like feeling something' like pure that the light from heaven
that for any human to feel
how full pure and just existence of that love you would instantly die she is the definition of divine to me she's divinity
she's who divinity tryis to be more
LIke wHen it's trying to be more divine
I'm really good with words and I can say exactly what I mean
I can describe my entire life and how I felt about it all
And with every letter of every word
i couldn't never be able to say it better
I could describe it
And you would feel it with every letter But when I tell you there's not a single sentence that I can string
There's no song I could sing
Language to speak
To Describe the feelings for her
that I'm feeling
There's nothing I know
There's nothing I can do
I just want you to know
You're my world
I love you with my entire being
And I hope you always know
Just how much you mean to me
So much Ihope you will always feel
Just how much love I have
an Just how much I'll always give
Of this love I feel for you
I love you so much
More than iI could ever show
Because I love you so much
More than you'll ever know
I could never express my love for you
I love you so much more
Than anything I've ever loved before
I love you you're mine
Forever ill always Love You so much more
Always have more to give
Because I love you more than life itself
I love you so much to feel this much love
That they're always be so much more that
Than I've ever loved anything before
I just love you
I love you
I love you
Forever and evermore
I always love you so much more

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Sometimes telling a girl you love her is a total understatement. A Lovely Poem.