Poem -

Sometimes having guts means not using your head

You step into a public bathroom for a birdbath.

Back when you had teeth to brush.


A wilting blossom in the mind.


You weren't ever an enigma to me you said,


Though she use to say 'Last glass...'


That made you laugh.

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Shirley Harrison

lol have you ever bathed in a public bathroom in Italy? Oh there aren't enough stars in the word for that one thought, dear Rory, along with your title, you would need tremendous balls to even think about entering one. 🌹


Faded faded fade out I get from this and I find it kind of sad too x


R...I'm a pretty sad woman too...
after all there's only one way to smile
There's fkn loads of ways to be sad
Sad is underated x

Rory McGinlay

I like the cut of your jib. But, dearest M, don't even, unless you've been backed up: by which I refer to our dearest Neville's comment above. 😆

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