song dog sirens
based on true events

they are a cacaphony,
a chorus of billigrent bitches pitching woo
ar poor junior, forgotten fostered pitt bull,
a pooh butt cursed by magnificent balls
which are testy, tingling tasty and tormented
they eveb spook him, especially
when he catches a whiff of his own musk
wafting towards discorded delerium
while rising to join the waves of other odors
inciting heat, drawing them insubordinate
long before i hear whimpers or yip yip yiping
climaxing into wailing writhing like a pack
of porn stars just begging for it
junior is embarassed by this
and many things that are tragic yet funny
reminding me of roscoe fatty arbuckle
with his wide silly facem mincing steps in a circle
expressing such angst, so much confusion
all of him a little solemn yet slapstick
thus provoking empathy derailed by amusement
eventually usurped by pity pounced by annoyance
i hear myself scolding him as he is driven
to do something foolish while whining in protest
he cannot be held responsible for attacking a blanket
he tells me while amorously erotically haplessly humping it
in a vulger dance their siren song drove him to
which is for a moment becomes abruptly tamed
when my voice rises startling us both
as it stills him, his dumb gaze lingering on me
junior wants me to explain what i cannot
understand any more than he does but I am the alpha
so i remind him what we always do
when Circe's song dog sluts beckon
then i admit again it is my fault and long over due
the poor mutt needs his balls cut off, that's all
i say this outloud scratching his big skull
soothing him with sorrow before he topples
sinks into slunber and begins sprawling
across the bed,until i am at the edge
when he begins crowding sammy another orphan
who i call zen dog because she accepts this
and whatever else she greets with aplomb
she is also a hound, she gets humpy too
but when she does there is no shame,
no fear, not even during full moons
when she wakes herself with excitement
exhaling, escalating howling because theyre out there
baying and baiting the man glowering above
always perhaps forever closing in on him
gathered outside the bedroom window.
they are scrappy sleazy peobably rabid with stds
scrambling scratching seething sneaky
growling, sammy lifts her sleepy brindle head,
dark mystic's eyes melting beneatha blanket
she wears like a jedi imbued by the force
before resting her chin on my leg
because junior is fast asleep still restless
inside and safe while snoring uneasily crying out
his paws running thick body aquiver
emitting a stench of astral fear that stirs jezebel jaws
into bickering and nervous nipping a ravenous mob
that moves with to acuity, an awful awreness I realize
it is very cold i shiver stop writing set the keyboad aside
start rocking slowly untili hear myself dog whispering
ignore them i advise, adding cryptically
curiosity kills more than cats
while outside craven coyotes cry and pace
in feverish circles frantic for food which what we all are
in the final summation but still we never surrender
i have no choice but to hiss predictions
they will go away but will never disappear
because they belong to the darkness
where they are merely unseen
except as red eyed demons lurking psychic landscapes
panting, scheming slippery and seeping into ethers
where they cannot reach you unless you wander
Junior breathes deeply, calmer as he pushes closer,
he is dafe for now but wants to be warmer
and sleeping soundly seduced by stories with a moral
for now
they are probably just more lies told for reasons
that are niether right nor wrong no more than nature
sometimes treachery is blatant so we close doors
stay inside to sort it out is what i never say this to junior
snoring between us, knowing sammy needs no sermons
she understands what juniot and i must
think and feel it out respectively
she is sanguine, a sage but we are still smarter
than our sad clown looks after all
we'd have to be because nothing that stupid survives
this is why fear is a man's best friend and a dog's is woman
certainly the coyote is freiend to nobody
when thse siren song dogs go into heat
setting traps with that scent when cycling
swollen feverish and feral
they are feirce, famished mouths watering
over domesticated dog delecacy,
a feast these wild mongrels flirt with
before tearing it apart with sharp little teeth
relish ripping its fur and flesh
taking tiny bites tender and tormented
tasty as junior suspects while urgetly savaging
his toys my pens a shredded tire kibble and bits
whatever he can sink his short tooth into
when he's not lifting his leg to stake his claim
marking carpet and walls
sqirting a stain that states he's not ready
to prey or willing to die by design
he will not mate as a manthis or a black widow
while coyotes can be mounted they are not his kind
junior realizes he can't even get his dick wet
much less create a junior junior to avenge his death
but his balls are outmatched by these base creatures.
he is afraid what he might do under their influence
junior is no fool but will never be wise
so has put his faith in a fix
he recognixes when my fingers become scissors
snip snip,I clip air as he gapes at his savior
eyes beseeching me sadly to do it sooner
than later before he again licks his balls
loudly sucking, disgusting slobber lacivious slurping
what will better off as wounds until it finally unnerves me
quit! I blurt out exasperated until he slows and stalls
looks up again licking his lips to his moony wet chin
eager for castration to end that and this
yipping yip yips yapping snapping
once all that life swimming inside is sliced off,
dead in my hands like putty to heave heaviily
into any dusk til dawn chase when I throw them
to them things to chase away
as far as we can further than any eye can see
so we can laugh as dogs and the dogged do
bared canines and clumsy paws
collapse as song dogs scramble,
frantic for the bouncey bounce of balls
finally free to
roll over
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