Standing at the bus stop

Standing at the bus stop,
I see more than you would ever think.
I see shattered lives,
fragile in the wake of trauma.
I see broken hearts that will never mend.
I see tears, bold betrayals,
Hastily wiped away,
before the sorrow escapes,
from world weary eyes
I see lives come and go
Standing at the bus stop,
I see faces born from hardship,
I see grieving eyes
fearing the off -hand cruelty of life
I see fear as it seeps
into people like black rain
I see everything
standing at the bus stop
I am but another crack in the pavement
another face in a sea of grey
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Hi I'm 14 so the poem is rubbish but i'd appreciate it if you left feedback so I can improve :)
You are on your way to
experience the true essence of life itself, through this poem and through your
ventures at the bus stop. You have outlined the many aspects, that we all face,
behind closed doors and in sight of all others, in your poem and have placed it
on white canvass with elegancy and perception and without the deprivations
of a mask to be hidden behind...You are an extremely bright young lady and it
shows through and in this creative and wonderful delivery of this
poem.......You have experienced through site of faces, that which others, so
feverishly refuse to speak of and on in person and out loud, the many woes we
face in this world and the many trials we face, trying to make it from one day
to the next....Our self sacrifices have you captured and placed in your poem
and now ours, for i am sure, many will marvel at your young talent and the
world is yours to conquer, through your keen awareness and this on your way to
greatness poem...Very
Good Job…. You have several lines that stood out in
amazement to me……Though the entire poem was wonderfully written and presented..
I see faces born from hardship,
I see grieving eyes
fearing the off -hand cruelty of life
I see fear as it seeps
into people like black rain
I see everything
standing at the bus stop
I am but another crack in the pavement
another face in a sea of grey.
Kindest of
Thankyou for your comment :) I'm pleased that you enjoyed my poem :) :) :) I hope to write more soon. I read some of your poems and i especially liked left but not because rotten, it was brilliant! Thankyou again
You are quite welcome and thank you for the compliment and like we all in life do sooner are later, leave the nest in which we call our home and venture in search of our own directional journey and, not because of us wanting to but because we have too, in order to establish our destiny in this gift of life. It being figuratively speaking, against our will are better judgment, to hang on to the nurturing of our mothers and fathers or within it…  You are a very bright individual and it takes some people a life time to read the true meanings of feelings and emotions in the faces of others….but you….it appears are a quick and observant learner or either a naturalist…..Great poem once again and a great since of awareness of those around you, (leaving you never to be caught off your guard)…(left but not because rotten), one of my favorites as well, i like the fact, that the apple knew when it was time to be the fruit of someones desire to be eaten, just as all other fruits, that nurtures no longer from the source and succum, to the weight of its attached umbilical chord, just as we, as humans do as well in life)...Â
Kindest of regards,
Keep writing and we will continue to read your wonderful works...You have an inspiring future ahead of you as a poetess.......
Thankyou Jim I hope you like my new poem :)