The Age Of Avalon

The infinite and the golden
Led lorn travelers up its path
With their flocks diminishing, strode
Like phantoms into the aftermath's
Flinty slopes of valor
Where, held steady to a truth
That with faith
The mountain could be moved,
To be wisdom's pinnacle
Where the oracle of Avalon
Could spill the cool lava
As apples of Eden,
And Excalibur
Could protect dreamers frailties
From their dreaded abode,
Such did Avalon
Endeavoring to provide
Mythologies and the legendary
With sustenance,
For indeed, it is most surely
Within the realm
Of the poet to penetrate
Into that region
Where the air is music,
And one can hear
The warblings
Of the promises
In the age,
Of Avalon...
Tony Taylor
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Beautifully woven...It got my mind spinning...Enjoyed...LOVE and ROCKETS!!
Hey your ROSE-NESS....... I'm coming over to your house.....I wanna see this mind spinning thing for myself.......thanx so much for this.... and stay groovy girlfriend!!...... high fives......T xo. ?☀✴✳♥♥
My Dear Brother Poet Tony,
Arthur leaves our world, beckoned by the oracle of Avalon
He is asked to bring his sword, and protect all those whose dreams have brought them there
Today, comes the Sage of Cosmo, with his omnipotent odes
He protects those of us, who still dream about "The Age of Avalon"
Peace, Love and Rockets,
Larry xxx
My dear brother poet LARRY,
Thanx SO much for this my friend .......although I love the comment......I cannot I good conscience accept its totality......I am but a humble servant of that which asks us ALL to strive to ride the tidal wave that IS creativity...... and the protection you speak of comes from the totality of the energy that is the whole of COSMO!!....... regardless....... you rock dude!!.....thanx for the continued support and .......I LOVE YOU!!....... your friend and admirer..........T xo. ? ♥
My Dear Tony,
You bring us those tidal waves, yet, land us gently on the sands of sagacity. We emulate you, for we are the lambs in your flock. In the day, you take us far into the Universe, yet, by night, you bring us back to the safety of our sheepfold. I love you, Tony Taylor.
Peace, Love and Rockets,
Larry xxx
Hi Tony I love the legend of Arthur
and the knights of the round table
your poem creates magical imagery
taking your mind to this place Avalon
A place of paradise, i m sure the name Avalon
is of welsh origin :-)
Great write Love n hugs Debs xo
Yay!! Thanx dear DEBS!!.... your comment is the reason their are references to "lava" and "apples"...... both having to do with the interpretation of the word itself and its origins...... you are more than a cyber-friend to me are one of the reasons I continue to strive for poetry's finest possibilities!!....... Thank You dear soul....... hugs-n-smiles!!......T xo. ?✴♥
Tony has given more beauty to this place of mystery called Avalon.
Hi Tony, thanks for taking me back to my childhood memories ###Reading this reminds me of my late mother who subscribed to the CLASSIC ILLUSTRATED COMICS BY Gilberton, complete 169 series ###She encouraged us to read all the them ## The Knights of the Round table is one of my favorites.. I have watched the movie starring Sean Connery (who else?- also mom's fav. actor) several times and I just can't get enough of it.
Sublime!!! thanks for sharing with us
" All of them!", I mean !! Sorry!!