The Award Goes To...

From the long days of a CARER, tired mind, aching feet but still loving what they do,
Always busy, skipping meals, helping residents but forgetting to go to the loo,
The stress of the paperwork that needs to be done, keeping everything right so they provide the best care,
The bliss of a kind smile, the sound of a beautiful look or laugh, reminds them, that's why they work there.
To the importance of a SENIOR, with eyes in the back of their head, always looking always caring,
The relationships they form, to doctors, nurses, family members, information they're constantly sharing,
Handing out medication throughout the day, so important to know every name,
But a name is not just a name, every personality is different, never the same.
Here's to the DOMESTIC TEAM whether it be in the laundry or keeping the rooms clean,
Washer after washer, dryer after dryer, getting all the clothes ironed, so they look all pristine,
Making sure a residents home, looks, smells and feels like a home,
So their stay with us, will be with fond memories that will grow and grow.
Let's hear it for the KITCHEN TEAM, keeping the residents full bellied and with rosie cheeks,
Content and satisfied with breakfast, lunch and dinner, even a little biscuit with their coffee and teas,
Cleaning pots and pans with fairy liquid hands,
Cooking lots of meals and then serving with a smile.
Give it up for the OFFICE STAFF, paperwork after paperwork, square eyes with aching backs,
Phone call after phone call, supporting residents, families, even concerns from all St Martins staff,
Day after day, seeing different faces, month after month doing all the wages,
They're there to remind folk, that you do your very best, THIS needs praising.
Let's not forget the MAINTENANCE TEAM, they keep the home's looking good, always to be heard and always work,
Painting, decorating and sometimes the messy jobs,
Nevertheless, in this ticking clock, they're an important cog.
After all said and done,
Tonight is about fun,
You're all fantastic, that is the truth!
So without further ado...
The Award Goes To You.
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Ah...I'm with you on this being in the same line of is all a team effort used to annoy me when they had the nurses clap during covid...takes a lot more than a nurse to keep a hospital open lol x