The caterpillar

One day I prayed for change,
I prayed for a miracle,
I prayed if He could tear down my walls,
tear down all my defenses that I had builded up just on my own.
I prayed if He could erase my habits,
or to change my hearts posture once and for all.
Cause I wasn’t at all proud of the person I had become.
Right now my prayers have been heard.
Cause right now,
He’s changing my heart from the inside out.
Right now,
He remaking me to become a beautiful butterfly.
And I can feel His presence in each day that passes by.
Right now,
I’m in the cocoon.
And I can hear His whispers in this dark room:
Rest, my child.
Trust the process of leaving what’s unfamiliar at My hands.
Cause just like the caterpillar,
you don’t know the process of how long this transformation is gonna last.
You don’t know what’s ahead of you,
and that’s for your own good.
Cause if you got the whole picture right away,
how would you learn to trust my guided way?
The caterpillar don’t know that this process requires the old body shouting down.
And the same is going to happen to you,
after I’m done.
I’m shouting down pieces of your old self,
that’s not from Me.
I’m shouting down scars that haven’t yet have time to heal.
I’m remarking you to the person you were meant to be.
My child- try to rest in Me.
The caterpillar don’t know that it’s supposed to be recreated to a new creature,
with wings that can fly.
But you know in your spirit that the butterfly is a symbol of what I’m doing in your life.
Your old life I’m erasing little by little each time,
and each time you fail or learn and rise back up.
I’ll will be there to guide you,
I’ll teach you the outcomes of why.
So you don’t need to question “how did that just happen” and you’re lost and wonder why.
Soon you’ll experience total freedom my child.
As I’m with you each step of the way.
And soon you’ll see the whole picture clear.
That I was faithful through all of your tears.
The beauty of this process is that I don’t count each time you fall.
I see your heart, the willingness in your soul.
And even if you feel that we are in a hurry,
slow down and let me carry.
Let Me hold you if the road is to heavy,
cause I’ll never leave you unhandled,
on dry lands with no directions to go.
I’ll already seen the outcomes, so trust My ways of gold.
I’m gonna make you become a butterfly and not a moth.
And that requires you not rushing something,
just cause you’re tired or bored.
That requires you not forcing something, that needs time to grow and to heal.
Cause darling, healing is not complete before you can help others in their needs.
Healing is complete when you
can love everyone as your own.
Healing is complete when you
can comfort each mother with no child in their nursing room.
Healing is complete when you
can cry with them in their deepest sorrows,
when you can hold their hands and be their armor.
In prayers you gonna pray for them,
cry for them,
and feel their hurt.
You’ll experience a flash back of your own scars and can relate to their unbearable pain.
And even if you know that the pain will slowly fade,
that doesn’t change the fact that you feltÂ
a little bit of you died that day.
Healing is not complete before you
can use your healed wounds to help others out.
Healing is not complete before we have processed each scar that lies untouched.Â
My child,
healing is not complete before I’ve transformed you into something real,
something unique,
something outstanding,
something worth having.
I’m gonna make you new.
So keep holding on to my promises of a brighter tomorrow,
cause you don’t know what I’m capable of doing.
You don’t know what kind of power I have.
That you have a limitless God on your side.
It will be an adventures ride My child.
You don’t know what I had in store for you after you’re transformed.
Cause Is nothing like you’ve ever imagined before.
You’re going to be free,
free as a butterfly just like I’ve said.
You’re going to be amazed by every revelation I’ll reveal,
like you’ve been asleep your whole life,
and suddenly you see.
You’re going to be a anointed person.
You gonna bring people to Me.
And I will give you gifts with abilities,
and you will finish our mission on earth,
before you spend eternity with Me.
My daughter I’m not finished,
and the story is not complete.
Your dreams will be fulfilled,
cause I planted them there.
And that will be enough for you to reach,
your purpose,
reach your promised land.
I have everything under control,
you don’t need to know every part of My plan.
You are safe, you’re protected.
You’re guarded by My crew.
So close your eyes and rest your head,
and dream something new.

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