I have a thing about question marks .. bring em on .. the more the merrier ..
Oh' and thanks for that extra brace of xx's up there, I wonder what they are for and where would you have me keep them ?? x
Hi Neville sorry to disappoint but I think they are an extra bout of xx's from low and behold...predictive text from my phone, so you'll have to ask the tecnoloical gods,
however since they're there, you can can keep them anywhere you want ;)
and I too am a question mark fan ?? got to leave a little intrigue
Lorna xx (xxx)
P.S those extra, are just for you ;) hahaha
You know, I didn't need to think about your question here because it's all I've thought about for a few years. Nothing...I do not think personally I've gained in any kind of wisdom during my years here on this earth...quite the opposite ...except perhaps a better understanding of futility....so perhaps not even a full stop for me...interesting write Nev x
Why am I not surprised .. but why am I so saddened .. I could go into such detail but fear there would be insufficient room on the internet .. I like that you found my scribble interesting so all is not lost .. x
Hello Neville
maybe a few question marks ????? A little intrigue into the dullness hahaha
lorna xx xx
I have a thing about question marks .. bring em on .. the more the merrier ..
Oh' and thanks for that extra brace of xx's up there, I wonder what they are for and where would you have me keep them ?? x
Hi Neville sorry to disappoint but I think they are an extra bout of xx's from low and behold...predictive text from my phone, so you'll have to ask the tecnoloical gods,
however since they're there, you can can keep them anywhere you want ;)
and I too am a question mark fan ?? got to leave a little intrigue
Lorna xx (xxx)
P.S those extra, are just for you ;) hahaha
Thank the stars for productive text .. I know I do xxxx Looks like we are breeding em .. Oh' now there's a wish upon a text . xx
You know, I didn't need to think about your question here because it's all I've thought about for a few years. Nothing...I do not think personally I've gained in any kind of wisdom during my years here on this earth...quite the opposite ...except perhaps a better understanding of futility....so perhaps not even a full stop for me...interesting write Nev x
Why am I not surprised .. but why am I so saddened .. I could go into such detail but fear there would be insufficient room on the internet .. I like that you found my scribble interesting so all is not lost .. x