The Flying Saucer-A True Experience

Inspired by Jai Masters intriguing poem “Alternate Universe”
One April night in 1966, my Dad and I were on a trip;
Drove to Greenville, South Carolina, and were just entering its strip!
When in the sky we saw something, both saying, “That just cannot be”;
For hovering not far above us, a Flying Saucer did we see!
I know you think I’m crazy, but this tale is really true;
It had windows all around it, of yellow, green and blue!
We stared in pure amazement, wondering if our minds did us cajole;
I looked down and screamed, “Watch out Dad, we are heading towards a pole”!
He quickly jerked the wheel, and saved us from our fate;
He stopped the car completely, as we watched this thing gyrate!
Then one second we were gazing, the next one it was gone;
It disappeared before our eyes, into the twilights dawn!
We wondered if we were hallucinating, or what we had witnessed was for real;
Were beings here from Outer Space, and our Planet want to steal?
We decided to keep our secret, fearing the questions of our sanity;
My Father took it to the grave with him, now it’s proof is left to me!
The secret Saucer
Showed it’s flying colors
Than hasty sped off

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Hi Larry I also have experienced several 'Experiences relating to UFO's' I will PM you with the details.This was a very interesting read and one that I can absolutely relate to! Always good to learn of others experiences- nicely written my friend!
Lodigiana xx
My dear Lodigiana,
I read your private message, and answered it before seeing this. I cannot wait till we compare notes on our experiences.
Thank you for this powerful comment.
All my love,
Larry xxx
Dear Poet Brother LARRY!!
Once again, you're adding to the story of your life...... which, to me, is something I look forward to when reading your truly compelling narratives...... The story of Larry Ran's life is amazing..... just as this piece is!!...... There is NO doubt in my mind that UFO's are a fact of life....... Having done a LOT of research for my blog, my conclusions were simple....... They have been around as long early man!!...... Someday we'll have that inevitable conversation that I so look forward to...... and this subject matter will definitely be a part of our conversation...... if we can't meet in person...... then the phone will suffice......BUT, for me, I so look forward to it.... because I KNOW there is much to learn from one another...... and learning......Is one my favorite things to do!!....... smiles....... stay golden my friend!!........LOVE and ROCKETS!!........T xo
Dear Tony,
Ditto for what I just wrote Cherie.
xxx L
My dear friend Tony,
I, like you, am a firm believer that they have been visiting Earth for millenniums. In the earliest known cave paintings, they definitely can be seen portrayed on the walls. Of course, then there is Roswell, New Mexico, when our government should have put themselves in the forefront, and let the world see the proof of their existence, instead of the massive cover-up. We do have a lot to talk about, don't we?
As do you, I cannot wait for the day when we meet in person, my much preferred method of finally getting together.
We are only four hundred and fifty miles away, so maybe some warm Spring weekend, we'll scoot down, and all of us have a glorious time together.
Love you Bro,
Larry xxx