The last sentence of good riddance

Sitting by this fire i wonder will I make it or should I retire I'm sure my time will come around
When I build my empire will I rule it or will it burn to the ground
Since I've begun my journey to build an empire and create a never ending legacy that will cause everyone to stand in the shadow I cast
My friends left like a dealer spotted by the cops with a pound of grass or they fled when they asked about my past
But remember it's all about the show and not the cast my real friends will ride till we die even if the pace slows to a stride because we broke our backs over rap
That line was nice but I have no friends I'm solo Im like a lone wolf they all say Daniel when is enough, enough cmon man
Then I reply casual it's never enough because this game and my life is rough and you gotta be incredible hulk tough
Technically I'm not supposed to be able to do this I'm white trash from the boonies my life is like a one man version of the Goonies
Looking for one eyed Willie's treasure but instead it's trying to put out something like Snoop Dogg's doggie style
I found a genie he taught me rythm and stayed around for a while until he hung himself with all of my musical chords I make beats and I don't even have any mixing boards
But my gift isnt from a genie in a bottle it's from God the one who should be every man's role model but too many good men are stolen by the devil with only a bottle
I remember when I looked in my dads eyes and could only see anger
I doubt the peace will ever reconcile with the evil it's like the love died on the green mile
my fires getting hot and its getting bigger as I move to a different spot my paper is burning
But I gotta write because my heart's yearning
I'm not sure what's up with me it's like with my dad in my head round and round we go
When I'm successful with my rhymes I wanna punch a dragon but that might lead to a bunch of bragging
So through my head I will keep my readers dragging it seems my toes are burning and my hair is scorched
Did I mention my life was torched so I started a fire on my front porch it seems the fire found the propane tank there's a leak I think
its too late maybe this is my time to die to whoever finds this it's good to cry and tell my family it's not sad I die I left a special good bye in every rhyme
Sorry but the leak I started turns out would burn down my empire with me inside it's time I retire this is the last sentence so good riddance.

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