The Music Of Silence

I close my eyes and at once its mute echo chimes
I listen and interpret the lush lilting lyricism of nature's sultry emerald chanteuse
As the chorus of everyday cacophony subsides a subtler sonnet is crafted
And upon the lyre of thoughtful psyche a cord profound is struck
I open my heart to the wordless whisper of Creation's vital hymn
I fete my soul and intuit the soft sensual throb of infinity's passionate pulse
I clear my mind of mundane traffic to yield a higher concentration expansion
That the exquisite rhapsody of hush may be relished without clutter's jam
I close my eyes and its womb of calm envelops me
Content I reside at the aphonic court of its vast placid empire
The eloquent serenade of its sublime soundless concert steeps me in its solace
The still deep music of silence the sweet unbroken score of Pax's savored measure
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This is stunning work MR. HEAD!!.....a brilliant portrayal of "The Music Of Silence"....... it's obvious you've written before....... so please just allow me to say........ALL STARS....... well done....... and .....WELCOME to COSMO!!.......... Love and Rockets!!........T xo
Thank you very very much. I truly appreciate your interest and kind complimenting. I put a lot of thought into everything I write because I want whatever I say to hopefully have maximal meaning and substance to whoever reads it. I'm very glad you enjoyed this poem, as it's the title piece to one of my 2 self-published poetry collections and I have always been very proud of it. I also have a more recent poem published here called Phoenix I that you might like as well. I look forward to continued posting here especially with all this much-appreciated encouragement. Thank you again very much!
William M. (Bill) Head
Hello William, welcome to Cosmofunnel, the family of poetry, MUSIC OF SILENCE is amazing, regards & love
Thank you so much for your interest and compliment. I'm glad you enjoyed my poem. I put a lot into everything I write and it's a great pleasure to have such effort acknowledged so positively, it's a very much appreciated encouragement. Thank you again very much!
William M. (Bill) Head
Holy Shit, William Head,
Is this the first work I've read of yours, for I would have remembered such genius? You take me to places where few can! The mundane, non-existent, superseded by the "depth defying undercurrents" that are the embodiment of your work! Where have you been hiding? Eureka, I've just struck gold! A most glorious welcome to cosmo. I avidly await more works, for I am already one of your most ardent followers.
Peace and Love,
xox Larry
Wow, I really don't know what to say except thank you so very much! I don't know how much of a genius I am, I certainly don't feel like one or close to it most of the time, but thank you again for a truly kind compliment I am very very grateful for. Such generous encouragement yields me terrific inspiration and I can never have enough of that. I received similar compliments after reading at an open mike event in May, from an enthusiastic Irishman, and I thought he was just being a bit overly excited in his praise, but it was nice to hear. I put a lot into my poetry to make it as meaningful as possible and I'm gratified to attain some success here with it. Thank you Larry, and to all who read and complimented me so graciously. I hope to hear from all of you again as I post more poetry and once again, thank you all so very very much!
William M. (Bill) Head