The Oneness Of God

The Oneness Of God
The Nature Of God/John 4:24 God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship in Spirit and in truth
To continue in the study of God it is important we understand who God is a Spirit Jesus proclaimed his truth in John 4:24 bible consistantly follows in Gen1:2
And the Spirit moved upon the face of the waters in Revelations 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride Hebrews 12:9 calls God the Father of Spirits
What is a Spirit ? is the Supernatural Incorporeal,rational being is invisible to human eyes but having the power to become visible at will
The hebrew translation as Spirit is (ruwach) or breath and or wind
also mean region of sky ,or spirit of a rational being
the Greek translation as Spirit (pneuma)can mean current air breath,blast,breeze,spirit,soul,vital principle
Disposition,angel,demon or God all these definitions emphasise that a Spirit does not have flesh and bones (Luke 24:39)
Jesus indicated that the Spirit does not have flesh and blood in (matthew 16:17)
Matthew the bible says God is a Spirit it means God can not be seen or touched physically by human beings
As a Spirit he is Intelligent supernatural Being who does not have a pyhsical body
Important question ?
Does God have a body ?
Mark 5:10 jude 6 Revelaions 20:1-3
when we talk of Gods arms and certian parts of his body
There all symbolic his Arm represents the power of God which we see in revelations
The throne of God the Father and the Son that sits at the right side there is only One God and one Throne
Father is Spirit and the right hand means his power that rest with the spirit upon the throne he does not have a body as we know it there was no physical
Manifestion of God til the birth of Christ of course in Christ God had a human body that body of Jesus was the very embodiment of God
And now has a human glorified body Immortal
Outside of temporary manifestations of God and outside the new Testament revelation of God in Christ
Scriptual references to the eyes ,feet hands arms heart and other body parts are examples
figurtively speaking of none human in terms of the human so that humans can understand
bible descibes infinite God for example the heart of God denotes His Intellect and his Emotions not a blood pumping heart
Gen6:6~8:21 God said heaven was his throne and earth his footstool he was descibed his Omnipresence
Not a literal pair feet (Isa 66:1) When God said his right hand he descibed his Power (isa 48:13)
The eyes of the Lord are in every place he decribed his Omnipresence and Omniscence (prov15:3)
When God cast out devils by his Finger he excerized the power
God was manifested in the flesh (Jesus ) was seen of angels 1tim3:16 Today by faith we know and believe by his word John 1:1 and acts 2:38
When we are baptised in his Spirit we shall recieve Power from on high ! we shall also manifest Gods spirit in our mortal bodies
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