The Seeds Of Aniexty.

The seeds of aniexty, feeds on your fears and insecurities.
Sprouting roots deep within your brain!
spreading like an infection!
effecting every action and every thought.
making you forget all you've been taught.
you go on the defensive, desperately trying to seize control.
but when fighting a war, to which the battles are endless,
it quickly takes a toll on your soul.
unable to seize control...
deeper and deeper, into the rabbit hole you fall.
leaving you unable to trust
with it all your relationships begin to combust.....
can't help but push everyone away...
when your thoughts have you truly believing, they're only gonna hurt you if they stay.
you become delusional as the thoughts leave you further and further astray.....
but keep your head high!
don't be ashamed to cry. <3
when the levels of frustation are rising high
things won't always be this way
rest your head you'll live to fight another day.

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