The War In Heaven
Archangel Trilogy Part 1

On the golden fields of Heaven,
In the shade of immortal white towers.
By life's clear river dwelling,
And amid undying flowers.
Archangels and Angels recall and reflect on...
The War In Heaven.
The sad memory of a battlefield,
Where countless thousands fell.
When brother fought against brother,
Is a story Angels will never tell.
Where good and evil once dutifully met,
And Angelic dead so peacefully rest.
Is a place trapped in every heart,
And a past hidden under their breast.
A war hidden from human view,
And only seen by them and God.
His warriors filled with resolute,
And their courage a golden rod.
Archangel Lucifer who once shone bright,
His pride and jealously has lead to this.
His wanton war in which many will fall,
And so will he at the bloody end of it all.
Archangel Michael leads an army of exalted,
An Archangel filled with furious storm.
To defeat and purge and forever cast out,
Lucifer and what bibles call his dragon swarm.
Lucifer and his army of black deep hate,
Have flown and marched all night and day.
They will be merciless to exploit any weakness,
For he and all are so craving for their prey.
All of Heaven's gathered Angels listen to their leaders,
Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel,
Jehudiel, Sealtiel, Barachiel and another.
Discuss Michael's plan for the inevitable battlefield,
And this mysterious other's name will soon be revealed.
Michael and his righteous army of messengers,
Gathered together make up a resilient band.
To defend and engage on Heaven's front,
Where they will perish or they will stand.
All Angelic thoughts and feelings,
Are hidden they're tucked away.
For if they this day survive,
Perhaps to recall another day.
And in Heaven's cruel wicked War,
There'll be a high price to pay.
To lose forever a friend and brother,
For that is all heartless War's way.
But like all living creatures,
They value their Angelic lives.
But will gladly sacrifice them,
To ensure that Heaven survives.
A total silence descends,
All across God's Heavenly land.
As both armies now face each other,
Where millions patiently fly and stand...
Enough! Let battle commence!
A cacophony of screams are unleashed.
So loud so angry and so vile,
And all quickly forget.
When brother once embraced brother,
And greeted each other with a smile.
They meet and clash!
Angels flying!
Angels crying!
Angels dying!
Their screams and wails,
Once never heard.
Now commonplace,
In this war absurd.
They fight armed with swords,
They cut and thrust!
They slice and splice!
For in their victory they trust.
Many Angelic hearts torn out,
Countless ripped limb from limb.
Pulled apart like warm bread,
Endless blood and suffering.
A once united band of brothers,
Decimating Angels hand to hand.
Sadly slaughtering each and all others,
Over their most cherished and sacred land.
They fight in the shade,
Of the immortal white towers.
And ocean's of blood,
Wash across Heavenly bowers.
They fight in life's,
Clear river dwelling.
Where heads are severed,
To stop their yelling.
They fight above and on,
And amid undying flowers.
Channelling all and any,
Dwindling Angelic powers.
They fight in the air,
Duelling in the clouds.
And far behind a crimson sun,
A bloody war that must be won!
No quarter asked,
For none is given.
For total victory,
Their aim is driven.
Still Lucifer's vast legions march on,
Guided by him and relentlessly urged.
Now falling into Michael's trap,
With many soon to be forever purged.
Michael forms a phalanx,
Of which all know his aim.
Drive towards vile Lucifer,
So he can be quickly slain.
Archangel Michael is playing his waiting game,
Drawing in swarms before one who will tip the outcome.
He signals to the patient unnamed Archangel kept in reserve,
God's most deadliest weapon he was designed to cruelly become.
And Behold!
Archangel Azeal!
He stands alone.
He's one of a kind.
God's Greatest Weapon.
So beautifully designed.
Heaven's cruellest fury,
Is now unleashed.
The outcome of victory,
So vastly increased.
He's one of a kind,
So special and unique.
Born from God's Greatest Curse,
Of killing technique.
Seen only once on earth,
Wiping out whole armies,
In pre-Babylonian times.
Now unleashed in Heaven,
Against Lucifer's crimes.
Archangels are fierce
They are absolute.
They are Heaven's most terrifying weapon.
And Azeal is the most terrifying.
This woeful weapon,
This Death Incarnate.
Azeal's full capability,
He will now mercilessly demonstrate...
His wings are a weapon,
Finely tapered leading edges.
That slice clean through,
Any defiant foolish wedges.
Azeal swoops down,
At break-neck speed.
Decapitating pitiful scores,
A quick death indeed.
For Lucifer's dragon swarms,
It happened so violently quick.
Never knowing what hit them.
With blood torrents so thick.
He fights with no sword,
Just a black diamond spear.
Impaling all fiercely,
Showing no mercy or fear.
The slightest mistake,
He'll run you through.
Mistake or not,
Heaven's greatest warrior for all to view.
He is so fast,
A total blur.
For no Angelic fear,
Is hard to deter.
Azeal's wrath and fury,
Knows no bounds,
Simply pure power,
On all it astounds.
He spares no thoughts,
On those he's slain.
He fights for his brothers,
And victory to gain.
And courage and sacrifice,
Is found on both sides.
Any thoughts of death,
Simply pushed aside.
Impaling now,
Three at a time.
His actions so fluid,
His timing sublime.
His one-time brothers
Just can't get close.
His killing arts shown,
On those who oppose.
All and Lucifer,
Look on Azeal astounded.
And all the carnage,
Now dead and grounded.
He like his brothers,
Just will not stop.
Till all are vanquished,
Dead where they drop.
Of his vast Angelic powers,
He has no need.
He's a battering ram,
Killing at full speed.
His thoughts are his own,
This master tactician.
As bodies keep piling,
His grisly exhibition.
So quick and elusive,
He's here and he's there.
Lucifer's hateful army,
Can't bring a weapon to bear.
Azeal shows no emotion,
No high pitched scream,
His aim is focused,
No emotion ever seen.
All sides and above,
They swarm upon him.
He cuts through them all,
To Lucifer's chagrin.
Lucifer now views,
Azeal's black diamond spear.
Combined with his skills,
They are two to fear.
Michael duels with Asomodeus,
Lucifer's feared second in command.
It's over in mere fatal seconds,
As Asomodeus's head falls on Heavenly land.
Gabriel is sought out by Valac,
Who has an old score to settle.
And Valac's heart is cleaved apart,
By Gabriel's sword of divine metal.
Azeal is confronted by Mastema,
Who dies in mid blink of an eye.
Sliced neatly vertically in two,
And ploughs wrathfully on by.
While all the time Angels and Archangels Raphael,
Uriel, Jehudiel, Sealtiel, Barachiel.
Are dispatching Lucifer's vast legions,
A stain on Heaven that dares to dwell.
And when Angels are fighting,
For the betterment of good.
It gives them an edge,
That must understood.
Cruel death's they linger,
Linger everywhere around.
For no surrender or mercy,
Shall ever be found.
Brother kills his brother.
Angel kills Angel.
Kill or be killed.
Victory or death.
Good versus evil.
Lucifer versus God.
Heaven or Hell?
Only time will tell...
This War of cruelty,
This War of waste.
This War will end.
But does never haste.
Many Angelic powers,
Are swiftly diminished.
And with those with none,
Their War is finished.
A fulcrum now formed,
It's apex Azeal and Michael.
An unstoppable dagger,
Heaven's taste of Hell.
They are unstoppable,
A relentless force.
Dispatching thousands,
Without any remorse.
They'll never stop,
They'll never give in.
Their only objective,
To purge Heaven of sin.
A visceral scene,
Across Heaven's plain.
This curse of Lucifer,
And his plans for domain.
Azeal's black diamond spear,
Now becomes a lance.
Leaving Lucifer astounded,
Giving none a second chance.
Remorseless cutting and stabbing,
Constantly jabbing and slicing.
Arms, legs, and heads severed,
With no defence nothing to do,
Lucifer's army literally sliced in two.
The packed fulcrum erupts,
With a violent splay,
Angels killing the legions,
That stood in their way.
Slowly but surely,
The tide does turn.
Lucifer's Archangel face,
Registers deep concern.
Then Gabriel, Azeal and Michael,
Again enter this cruel fray.
Dispatching countless many,
On their now victorious day.
For Lucifer all is now lost,
He and his army now down they lay.
Prisoners to face God's Wrath
Their war lost and to endure dismay.
The War is over,
It's carnage told,
A quiet peace,
Descends and holds.
A scarred landscape,
So immense in size.
Littered with dead,
Victory's bitter prize.
And those who have lived,
Some with thoughts their own.
But for so many others,
All Angelic emotions shown.
Michael and Gabriel both whisper,
To Lucifer once beautiful and proud.
We are not blind for we all can see,
All this waste and suffering is down to thee!
Their wings are clipped,
Each halo smashed.
Cast down to earth,
Lucifer's grand plans lay dashed.
Lucifer is the last to leave,
But not before a curse is spat.
All wretched human souls are mine to own!
And one day soon I'll sit on God's Throne!
Azeal then walks menacingly toward to Lucifer,
For the first time ever Lucifer blinks and swallows.
He glares fathomlessly deep into Lucifer's eyes, then speaks,
I will slay you one day Lucifer, for I was born to.
Lucifer softly gasps and quickly walks away to be cast down.
It's been said it never rains in Heaven,
But at close of that day it did.
By many an Angelic tear,
Pouring uncontrollably from,
Many an Angelic eyelid.
And when the dead were gathered,
All were buried in a meadow so green.
A place where human souls shall never find.
A spot only Angels know of and breath in,
The perfume of perfect peace and fragrance serene.
Yes, a place of perfect peace chosen by God
And where a simple white cross can be seen.
Author's note.
There is a much longer version and will be upped in the future.
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