These two sides

Here they sit,
these two sides,
opposite each other,
ever meeting for peace talks
and yet
never moving,
each entrenched
in loyalty born from guilt.
Loyal to the marrow
to the father,
nay, the mother
but he… no she…
I am so tired of these talks
as I have been for sixty years.
Silently, unbeknownst to myself
actually, help is offered:
from the marrow
into the bone,
from the bone
into the flesh,
from the flesh
into the skin,
from the skin
into the wind…
These ancients words tell me:
See, it becomes dust;
see it blown away;
lie down on a clean floor.
Wide valleys open between the mountains
herds of words roam these spaces,
species I have never before encountered.
Glad to the marrow
I experience these close
encounters of the first kind
Tonight I will sleep peacefully.

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What a spiritually uplifting write John. Such a ruminating feeling from it that gives an undertone that I never come across before. To put it simply full honors to you and bloody hell. If I could pick the nominations, this one would definitely also be on the list. Powerful stuff here my friend. I hope you are doing well~ Sincerely, Max~
Hi, Max, thank you for your understanding this child of divorced parents, each entrenched in their own opinion and putting it like:, you are just like...whenever I did something they disapproved of. They even managed to try to pick a fight the moment I got married. Luckily my brother is as well versed in their ongoing troubles that he stepped in between them just in time😅 Now I happened to know where my parents come from, so it is a history of countless generations of warring among husbands and wives. The wife and me, we were clever never to start the next generation... Poor future shrinks, though losing income😂😭🤔😂. Thankx again and keep safe
A good poem here. I feel a sense of being pulled between two opposing teams. A tiresome battle of the blind leading the blind. But as I read on I feel a shift. A self-awareness that brings much contemplation and also peace of mind. I liked this write and agree with Max, full honours for a well thought out piece
Gwen :)
Thanx, Gwen, also for getting the uphill battle it has been ridding myself of loyalties to both my parents after their divorce and subsequent new relationships bringing new complications to this life. We are getting there now (just in time for retirement😂)
Agree with both Max and Gwen John...a deeply thought provoking and ...peaceful write 🌹
Thanx to you too, a hearty welcome from all of you helps win the fight🙏💐🎊
wonderful poem John
JOHN ~ what a fantastic use of metaphor here....and... ancient referencing to tell of that part of the human condition that has gone on for centuries......your ability to 'wordsmith' is quite a pleasure to behold dear poet brother!!.....ALL STARS!! & PINNED!!......Bravo!!.....LOVE & ROCKETS!!......your cyber-friend and admirer.......T xo : )
Hanx, Tony, for your enthusiastic comment. The kind that keeps a poet's heart ticking... I just love to use all sources that make sense. Poetry is supposed to be layered, I think. And I have always specialized in obscure knowledge 😊I
Great write.
Great write.
John, you clearly are a fearless poet to write and present something so nakedly revealing and a I dare I say a private affair involving family matters.
I agree with Max, Gwen and Tony's comments and can only add people albeit parents who treat their own flesh and blood as if that sibling is a lever, an inert tool lever to be manipulated as either one sees fit.
So cold and linear.
Thank you for telling how it can be for any unfortunates with their hopes and dreams for better days John and wish you well and simply sir, enjoy life.
Why, thank you, sir, for your kind words. Indeed, I use my poetry to better understand my life and as a way of sharing lessons learned, in the hope to give hope for my fellow travellers that whatever shit happened, you can live and learn to put it as much past yiou as possible. However, I am fortunate to have a wife (with a worse background - Jewish father and a mother who survived a Japanese concentration camp) who helps enormously (as I do her). After 34 years of marriage we have resolved a lot of issues together.
Keep breathing and believing. Keep safe, Shaun.