Poem -

They got the whole world in their hands

They got the whole world in their hands

Worth north of a trillion dollars,
(plus or minus a billion dollars here and there),
the unnamed obscenely rich,
(which top 15 billionaires
projected to become trillionaires
can be located on the computer courtesy
typing Top 15 billionaires
projected to become trillionaires
into the Google search bar
and clicking EuroNews tab)
will possess more money
than the GDP (gross domestic product =
the total monetary or market value
of all the finished goods and services
produced within a country's borders
in a specific time period) of many countries,
including Switzerland
and most African countries:
many talking heads
bet their bottom dollar
and float the name of Elon Musk
who leads the list
could become the first trillionaire by 2027,
with a net worth value
"growing at an average rate
of 109.88 percent every year."

A plutocracy (from Ancient Greek Ï€Î»ÎżáżŠÏ„ÎżÏ‚ (ploĂ»tos)
'wealth' and ÎșÏÎŹÏ„ÎżÏ‚ (krĂĄtos) 'power')
or plutarchy is a society ruled or controlled
by people of great wealth or income,
whose indiscriminate whim
"Rule by might" often called "kratocracy"
which comes from the Greek word "kratos"
meaning "power" and essentially
describes a government
where those with the most
strength or power are able to rule,
often through force or coercion;
the phrase "might makes right"
encapsulates this concept.

I fear a dystopian future
providing sinister combination
regarding concentration of immense wealth
linkedin with excessive might spells
(in my simple mind)
absolute zero freedom
for those who elected said coterie,
whereby filthy rich power hungry consort
fostering closest approximation of immortality
videre licet thru seeds of life and white lily
(self declare) themselves titans
banish constitutional and democratic freedoms
to dictate enslavement of the hoi polloi,
especially those reduced to near pennilessness
(case in point - yours truly or me)
will be at the beck and call (twenty four seven)
forced to labor to sustain
the means of production in exchange
(where robots serve as cruel taskmasters)
for basic survival on meager rations
living social in shoddy constructed collective
(abominable) barrack type accommodations
lacking modern amenities
such as plumbing for washing and heating,
nipping in the bud any predilection
to indulge scant spare moments already spoken -
for domestic upkeep of spartan shelter
against the sheltering sky,
(not even measurable in hours)
particularly reading or writing,
which luxuries banned
replaced by forcibly attending mandatory
group think workshops delineating
paying homage to those who wielded
the reins of power and banking
courtesy cryptocurrency
pittance doled out and only usable
at so called government decreed canteens,
and should any discovered evidence
reveal black market antics,
would be immediate cause
for execution at the hands
of randomly chosen jury
comprising men and women among the masses.

Bidding wars among the top tier
commandeered, lorded over, and regulated
the level of countless plutocrats
twenty first contemporaries
disproportionately wealthy among the rat pack
regarding those monetarily endowed
(inherited or bullied)
true blue titans of American industry
ranked next in line
incorporated olde monied class,
and nouveau riche
which closest entity to bourgeoisie
analogous to robber barons
among populace of yesteryear)
ruled over déclassé indigent outliers
wherein I grovel along
until death do me part.


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Hello Matthew...

Amazing right...

The Choice they made instead of choosing Food Stamps?

One Million Dollars isn't what it used to be...

Amazing what people cab do when they have a Brain and they chose to feed it?

Great write!

Thank you for sharing...

sparrowsong Ice Queen

N.J. Tomcatx

How true! A cogent write with many great lines.

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