Think Of Christmas
- Think hard in the silent night, by Yiyan Han (c) 2020-12-09

Jesus comes to the world
to bear the sufferings of humanity
God sends His son to wash away
the sins we all carry
Whoever opposes Christmas is one without human dignity
Whoever opposes Christmas is one with a devilish heart
no matter if one has a model's body shape
or is a world wide celeb
Christmas is a good time
for whipping one's soul
How much sins have not been confessed
How much evil ideas have not been expelled
O! Confess to God, ask for His mercy
O! Confess to God, ask for His love
Light up a candle in one's heart
to banish darkness inside
Christmas is a good time
for spreading God's love to everyone
whether rich, poor; weak, strong; old and young
whatever the colour: black, white, or brown
Each one has right to love or be loved
O! Spread God's love to them
even if they ain't Christians
One with money can be a beggar of spiritual needs
One without a penny can be spiritually of blue blood
God gives faith to everyone
Christmas is a good time
for praying to God
Pray for peace on the Eve, and praise God on the Day
Thank the coming of Jesus!
Ask for His mighty power in difficult times
to light up the beacon of justice, and burn off darkness
to fight against devils in the deep state and rogue regimes
What have we done? How much more can we do?
By following God's light, we stand up
on our mettle, and charge forward......

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Powerful Yiyan!............Jim
Thank you, Jim, as always :)
Thank you, my friend!
Beautifully divine masterpiece!
Thank you for your encouragement, Lisa! This was written a couple of years ago, and slightly polished since - so listen to your challenge he he he.