To the Cosmofunnel member called Poetry+

If you are going to spam and troll me through cowardly personal messages,
so that other good members don't see the real you as you hide in the darkness,
thinking nobody won't do anything about your crass attempts for money.
Well think again sunshine.
I came here from Poemhunter which is now filled with the likes of you and all
you obtusely stand for.
Everyday removing vile and sickening comments, by trolls fuelled by petty jealousies
and huge ego's in tiny minds.
So my gloves are off for the likes of you.
For here in Wales we don't take things lying down, we don't hide from problems
and never tuck them away.
To nip it in the bud once and for all and not to let it fester and you thinking nobody
will do anything and simply turn the other cheek
Enough of your 'Any Amount Is Appreciated' cheap comment spamming for money.
Go pimp and troll elsewhere.
Try Poemhunter for there's a whole flock of the likes of you there, scurrying around in its shadows.
The comment section below is all yours.
Either put up or shut up!
And have a nice day.

You can help support the upkeep of via PayPal.
WOW!!......who knew? glad you're here brother......high fives SHAUN!......Peace.......T xo : )
OMG! Did they message you here on Cosmo? Or just on poem Hunter? OMG...that is awful! Some f*cking people! My god...and on a poetry site! Sorry you suffered this Shaun x
got one of those also Shaun! let me know if I can help! retired AT&T!
To Gwen, Maggie, Jill, Tony, Pratibha, Tina and Jim.
I can't say how many of you have received personal messages from this dubious member using this site's platform for ill gotten games, suffice to say we don't need any bad odour masquerading as a Cosmo member with ulterior monetary motives.
Thank you all for your moral support.