Leah this was a very sad thing that happen I watch on the news the sad part was the people thay would show on the top floors that couldn't get out and you could see tham look out the window screaming and crying I will say prayer
Hi Greg, people jumped out of the window to escape the blaze ## residents have been complaining of dangerous conditions like no fire sprinkles, no fire escapes, faulty wiring, but unheard ## the cheap non fireproof insulation, and the use of aluminium rainscreen cladding to make it more attractive to its rich neighbours ## the condition of the poor doesn't matter anymore. The residents were predominantly poor mixed up with the rich ## kill the poor, save the rich ## disparity in wealth is enorm in that area..## a new phenomenon of racism.
it's not about the color of your skin nor religion but the value of money.
Hey LEAH!!..... this is an amazingly powerful Haiku...... the word choices here are perfect.....I can tell you put some serious thought into crafting this...... the tragedy of it resounding strikingly...... allowing the reader to read between the lines......ALL STARZ!!!!...... well done my friend......LOVE and ROCKETS!!......T xo ?✳✴☀
Saw it on the news it's really sad...It's more alarming that people are being treated based on the size of their pockets...I wonder where the world is going to...God help us!
I respond to your beautiful Haiku with one of my own.
. The tower has burnt
Children of God have been lost
Then found in Heaven
Hugs, Peace and Love,
Larry xxx
Leah this was a very sad thing that happen I watch on the news the sad part was the people thay would show on the top floors that couldn't get out and you could see tham look out the window screaming and crying I will say prayer
Hi Greg, people jumped out of the window to escape the blaze ## residents have been complaining of dangerous conditions like no fire sprinkles, no fire escapes, faulty wiring, but unheard ## the cheap non fireproof insulation, and the use of aluminium rainscreen cladding to make it more attractive to its rich neighbours ## the condition of the poor doesn't matter anymore. The residents were predominantly poor mixed up with the rich ## kill the poor, save the rich ## disparity in wealth is enorm in that area..## a new phenomenon of racism.
it's not about the color of your skin nor religion but the value of money.
its all very sad
Hey LEAH!!..... this is an amazingly powerful Haiku...... the word choices here are perfect.....I can tell you put some serious thought into crafting this...... the tragedy of it resounding strikingly...... allowing the reader to read between the lines......ALL STARZ!!!!...... well done my friend......LOVE and ROCKETS!!......T xo ?✳✴☀
Hi Tony, you got the message of every carefully crafted word ## Thanks for dropping by ###
hugs and cheers
Saw it on the news it's really sad...It's more alarming that people are being treated based on the size of their pockets...I wonder where the world is going to...God help us!
It's a terrible tragedy really ## a new style of racism based on the size of your wallet ## I feel sorry for them. They lost everything ##
thank you
My Dear Leah,
I respond to your beautiful Haiku with one of my own.
The tower has burnt
Children of God have been lost
Then found in Heaven
Hugs, Peace and Love,
Larry xxx