America is on the rise for the fall...
One step closer...
We're doing really well so far...
Hatred toward each other, a very fine start...
Murder next, a great second ingredient...
There's several ingredients still needed for the finishing product...
We stir the Kettle good...
The right temperature with negative energy sure to please the Devil if he's real and if he's hungry...
People know how to feed the Beast a Buffet and keep it tantalizing so he'll come back for more...
Eyes in the Walls you don't see through the Paper and Paint but, some people know the risk of reconstruction and things that are brought to life...
Add the killing of Babies and everyone says let's take a vote...
When asked what are we good for?
We know we are on the right path of not caring and on the right path of destroying ourselves...
Some people will still believe they'll be Saved as they are transformed to a Marshmallow on a stick over an open flame...
The New World Order...
America won't exist...
The best way for Evil to grow is to do what we do...
Nothing, to stop it...
People sit and watch it and pray to their God, at the same time they feed the Devil...
Sounds like a Recipe to be thrown in the trash...
You'll never see it in...
Better Homes and Gardens...
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Sparrow the fear is global.
Great write,
Wow Spain Election today socialist won today in this country oh boy not good
Hello Sis Cherie...
I'm very thankful that I can leave before choices of others will bring me into the destruction they want to bring on...
I would rather be a watcher from a far and see this World without America in it than to be a part of it because, people act without care...
Many great Prophesies have come true...
There's too many to ignore as more is being shown...
Soon enough they'll have to pay people to relocate here with much more incentives...
You can throw a Life Preserver to someone in deep water, it doesn't mean people are going to choose to grab on so they won't drown...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Love n Hugs
Hello Nigel...
I don't think the fear is big enough...
We're destroying ourselves at a very fast and steady pace...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Hello Greg...
It could be excellent news...
Matter of fact...
I think it's Fantastic News!
That's what what we could end up with here beginning January 2021...
Let's see if they will be The First Country to show us how great it works...
What are they saying is free that people will actually have to pay big bucks for?
If they're not offering anything that could possibly work...
I will check it out in 2 Months and check it every couple of Months after that...
They'll probably try and run too...
Thank you for the info!
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Hello Silent Dreamer...
I don't expose them, they expose themselves...
That's also a good lesson to know who's who in Christ and who's Preaching to question...
It's so important we share the right messages especially, for the new people who want to learn...
Would you have a Prophet or a Scarlet do the teaching?
Hopefully, they would want the Prophet...
I have asked 6 Pastors and people in the Congregation in 4 different States why they have a Weeknight service...
They all the said the same...
Sunday to Sunday is too long...
I was told also to think of it as AA or NA ...
If they didn't have a Weeknight service it would be so easy to get into the snares of the Serpent, sleep in the Devil's bed and things like that...
Thank you for your kind comment and support!
Amazing write sparrow. . If every one had your morrals the the world would be a utopia .. feathers for president?
Hello Edward...
That wouldn't work for several reasons...
First you mention morals...
Many would vote against that...
Second Congress would hate me more than Trump because, I would walk into their playground whole the act like children give them a Cookie and a Pacifier and tell to suck on that and now, I can do my job...
They don't want to do their job they can go on a 4 year Vacation on them...
The Tax payers shouldn't pay for them to sit around and just keep harassing people and they can take their insane ideas elsewhere...
Let me do my job I was appointed to do...
Senior Citizens would love me because, I would fix the broken system and they wouldn't have to fear not having Social Security in 9 years and anyone under 65 be brought in and the Doctors who approved them in the first place be investigated...
People are getting services meant for the Elderly are taken and given to these smucks who can cut wood but, can't work...
People who can clean house and sit on a Computer all day but, can't work...
Elderly people in their 80's having to work because, they have to supplement their income...
That's before I straighten out the Media with their bullshit slander and false representation...
States that want to do their own thing then they can certainly support themselves and their wishes are my command...
Thank you very much for your vote of confidence!
Thank you for your sweet comment and support!
while the* while they
whole the* while they
When I want it won't...
They need to change it from smart device to definitely rebel or something like that...