WAR OF WARS! The Apocalypse Begins

From Apollo’s bastions, a lone archer draws
A taut bow watching the Chariot of Morpheus
Weave shadow dreams in serene seas.
Athena stands observant, a sneer forming
On her lips as the archer’s target foolishly
Exposes his seditious intent upon the waters
Was it Dagon the fish god? ...still searching
For his head and hands…well, he’d never find them!
It’s Apollyon! Ready to place the abyss
Among the foaming waves of the Ashtoreth!
Fool! This one, from the Gog and Magog,
The oppressing cities…rebellious and polluted!
Damnation flourishes in his torrid heart
Full of the pride of men and swollen illusions.
He has no dominion here ~ not here, not
Among the lesser gods! Athena closes her eyes
Momentarily, remembering…yes, the lesser
Gods, thinned to myth and unreal among
Those walking outside the grounds of the Holy One.
Apollyon has been loosed to wage a battle.
The thousand years have expired!
And with him, the Whore, Empress of Babylon,
Fornicating still, drinking from the heads of fallen kings.
Her armor bearer, filthy Beast, plated in the rank
Stench of perfidious treacheries…abominations coiling
Ready to strike should a celestial being appear
To challenge this self-appointed usurper. Fool!
She espies Michael, the Seraphim, six-winged
And fierce standing at the Judah Gate with his host.
The Breaker is assembling the remnant of Bozrah!
Her eyes frantically search the ethereal sky for The Lion;
Ariel…He had cautioned her eons ago of the War of Wars.
She must warn the others…oh, what is this whisper?
The faint sound of the shofar winnowing through the clouds
Spurs Athena’s hurried flight to the heights of Olympus.
At her approach her voice is heard cautioning
Hephaestus, “There is no weapon or shield that you
Could forge on your fires that will suffice
As protection against the Holy One…
The El Shaddai, even the gates of Sheol
Will not prevail! “Look, there ~ the equerry
Is seated upon the palest of horses!”
“What?”…The Victress cocks her head to the side
Listening intently, “screeching!?”…ahhh,
The Valkyrie of Valhalla, silly, stupid bitches!
Surely, Odin knows that his halls will never
Open again, even now they’re just a banal vagary!
Where came this wind? An air with no sound
Spiraling to stand deep in ancient time?
It has been silent for the space of one hour…
The dark will be pitch black soon, for the YAH is coming
To make and END. HE comes to famish all the gods
Of earth and make the rest a perpetual desolation!
It would be wise to render obeisance and accept defeat
“Behold, HE comes quickly!
The seals were opened by the Lamb
Of Yahweh; the riders loosed to bring
The judgment upon the earth…
Abigor, Commander of sixty legions sat
His horse confidently, maliciously smirking.
The smell of the grave followed him
Rank with mendacious illusions; he had
Finally reached Apollyon’s lair before
The others in time for the opening of the
Sixth Seal.
The killing was deliciously bloody!
First, they killed “peace on earth”
So the stupid humans began to kill each other!
His troops killed cheaters, caused famines
And wild beasts to attack and maul.
Oh, what delight to have murdered the souls
Underneath the altar as they cried loudly:
“How Long, Oh Yahweh, The Holy and True,
Do you not judge and avenge our blood
On them that dwell on the earth?!”
He particularly enjoyed consuming
The sin eaters and the fornicators, yes,
A rare and nasty delicacy!
How silent the bones stood; mute, naked,
Without hearts, slacked-jawed in blasphemies!
The scent of evil and torrid deadly, desire
Ooze from gluttonous souls as their worms
Writhe in agonies of regret and sorrow.
Eternal damnation awaits these unbelievers!
Yes, he was ready to torture them, burn them!
Wordlessly, they search for mercy beside
The lake of fire teaming with every
Filthy plague in the furious frenzy of their
Own greed and cruelty; what fools!
Their names were not written in the Book!
Lo! The Sixth Seal is opened! A Great and terrible day!
The Yah brings His judgment and His wrath!
Abigor feels the world shake under his mount
As darkness settles beyond blackness
And the moon liquefies; dripping gore.
“Stupid humans”, they run and hide
From a terror that hunts! “Scrambling cowards!”
Into caves and behind rocks they go, all!
Kings! Rich and poor, the great and the mighty!
They hide from HE that sits on the throne and
From the wrath of the Lamb.
The rider took shelter as the stars of Heaven
Began to fall to earth, bursting, sparking fires!
The horse stamped nervously as mounds
Of earth shifted and islands moved out of
Their places – an unexpected cosmic upheaval!
Yes, there would certainly be a “new earth”!
“He so enjoyed agonizing wretchedness!”
Listen…stupid humans, they were begging again:
“Mountains fall on us! We are unable to stand!
Of course they couldn’t stand; the Son was gone!

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Hey Eddie! I really enjoyed writing this little epic. Just used a little poetic license. But of course, we both know the to who the VICTORY belongs!!!