White People

I am a white woman
Living in America today
The country is in a battle
With prejudice and bigotry
Wanting to change the progress that has been made
A President leading the way
It makes me afraid
White people killed Native Americans
Brutal in everyway
White people bought black slaves
Taking thier lives away
This cruelty of the white race in history is a disgrace
It takes generations to recover from this cruelty and pain
We've made progress and don't want to turn back the page
But I'm afraid our President is leading the way
I love my free country
And the demographics of America today
We're known for our democracy and compassion
And I don't want this to change
I want healing to continue - righteousness for every race
God just loves people
Doesn't see the color of their skin
So I stand against our President
For America until this all ends!

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Excellent write Terry! Very thought provoking, I'm just wondering to which god do you speak of? as we know in religion there is many, just depends in which faith ????☮?
Hi Wayne, I am a Christian. I know many Christian's believe differently than myself but here goes.I know Jesus because of my intimate relationship with Him. I am held to a higher standard because of knowing him intimately. To those that never know him intimately for whatever reason is not knowing him just because they know his name. I believe there is only one God that judges the heart. My old Jewish family loved God but they never knew Jesus, just his name. They were very faithful in there worship. Seek and you shall find and I believe God is faithful and answers all that love him even if they call on him with a different name. I do believe that the Jewish people are still his Chosen people. I don't believe I am wise enough to judge. Thank you and God Bless..
Thanks Terry for shining some light ??? I was just wondering, I am curious that way haha brilliant write! ☮?
Wayne, I m curious in that way also. Thanks!
Hello Terry Kay...
Do you have a boss?
I was an employee years ago until, I realized I was set to a certain wage as long as he ruled my livlihood...
Even getting called on my days off...
The President is doing what he said he was going to do...
I know others said they weren't going to do something and they did it anyway...
He is following the Constitution...
Have you been happy with every President, until now?
I haven't been and every new one with all the changes they make leads to uncertainty until the next one...
People can't prove who's child they have, children have been put in such dangerous situations and not many seemed to care...
Even if we get the Perfect President one day they can't stay past 8 years, anyway...
The odds are what, considering there's no perfect person...
He hasn't had two years and others had failed miserably and was given 8 years...
We have a while to be upset...
The future Presidents are going to be fantastic?
I will believe it when I see it...
I hope someone who can do a better job applies for the job, finally...
It only takes a few criteria's to run...
I even qualify...
Scary or what?
Great write!
Thank you for sharing...
Sparrowsong, hi..I don't have a boss. I became self employed when I was about 32. I'm not able to work right now due to early onset Parkinson's but I hope that will change. Love to work! I agree that our President is doing his best to keep his promises but I wasn't a fan before he ran for office. Have many friends that voted for him and we respect each other's opinions but mostly we don't discuss. I have never agreed with all of any presidents decisions but have been happy with many. I do not wish any bad on Trump because I don't want bad for the country. The old saying this too shall pass. Thank you. God Bless...
Amen! And I'm English (old English)
I love this.
- Syd xo
Syd, Thank you for the vote. Greatly appreciated. God Bless...
Dear Poet Sister TERRY!
My mother is white ~ my father is black and American Indian, .......this country is PHYSICALLY the most amazing country in the world....... no more incredibly diverse topography exists in any other country in the entire world!!....... those who had a vision for what this country could potentially become were absolute genius visionaries...... but I, like yourself and many others, am deeply saddened at the cost paid by so many innocents!! I pray that someday the vision of our forefathers is achieved...... but with the President and Corporate leaders that we have in place at this point in time.....I find myself ashamed to be an American at times. Perhaps 'ashamed' is too strong a word..... maybe 'Helpless' represents me personally better!! This comment could go on for a VERY LONG time given all the things I have had to endure being a mulatto man that grew up during the sixties and seventies when prejudice was even mere prevalent!!..... I am so proud of you for having written this piece my friend..... It's always nice to see the hope & the light that exists at the end of this 'oh so dark' tunnel ..,,,.people like you.....ARE.....that light!!......PINNED!!!...thank you for sharing this TERRY!!...... God Bless!.......T xo ❤✴?
Dearest Tony, I t must have been difficult for you growing up. I can't imagine it is so sad when children are hurt by others. I went to a church that was about 3/4 African American for a couple of years. I loved singing in that church! It was just a joyful time in my life and I grew a lot in my boldness and vocals. I taught Sunday School and had some babies that girls that were mulatto. They were the most beautiful girls I had ever seen. We used to sing Nicole Mullens song Black, white, tan. Do you know that song? It goes everyone is precious in the Fathrrs sight it don't matter red or yellow black or white...and My grandmother was Cherokee and loved her the most! You got good blood! Thank you for you time and kindness..
Cherie, yes mankind is not kind sometimes. Wish we did all love each other but isn't that what we are all waiting for? Everything you said is so true! Thank you for the vote..God Bless...
Hi dearest Sis
love this love this love this ?????
God is ever watchful and tyrants and oppressors have been knocked out time and again and history is witness to this.
end of world is nearing and irrespective of our background, colour, gender we need to stand tall and strong against these scumbags who are pioneers of hatred, racism and discrimination.
we really need to pledge and pray for world peace and if our leaders are corrupt, it becomes increasingly challenging to achieve.
i really love your honesty and boldness towards this big issue and cause.
i am here to support you in which ever way i can.
love and peace and love again xxx
Charu, I have loved history all my life and have always had a heart for the poor or suppressed. Relating I guess you a brief period in youth doing without basic necessities. I look at the TV with all the suffering and pain and thank God for our protection and shelter... I want Justice for Injustice in the past and it's heartbreaking to see it escalating today. But you are right we are in the end of days but we have an obligation to stand for what is right as long as we can! I have only been writing a short time and got brave enough to join Cosmofunnel. You kind words mean so much! Thank you for you offer of support!! Hope you don't regret it..???thanks again and again..Terry Kay
Thank u for being so kind and considerate of the less privileged.
its truly and honour to connect with you.
xxo ?
Hi Terry,
A refreshing and insightful write. I admire your honesty and boldness to offer a perspective and speak up on a complex and controversial topic such as race. It often makes me wonder how history repeats itself. Your poem reminds me of the quote by Edmund Burke," All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing".
Thank you for sharing, I too wish for more love and peace in this world. Great write.
Thank you J, I thought a little about publishing this but I've always been outspoken about Injustice so I'm glad it was received, appreciate your comments and vote. Thanks again..?
Tina, yes and amen. After you get to know and love someone you never even notice the differences you may have. Injustice is so ugly. Thank you so much. Your opinion is heart felt and appreciated. God Bless..
I like this poem, as I believe there is a big divide in our country that needs to change. However I absolutely disagree that our current "President" is the cause of it, rather our current "President" is the product of it. This division began during the Obama era. It is rather sad too! Obama had such a wonderful opportunity to create a sense of unity among the American people, however his remarks, lack of support for the troops and Law Enforcement, caused in my opinion a big division within our country. Trump was the bi product of this. It is my hope we as nation can stop this division. It begins though through tolerance and not allowing the name calling to continue.
Greg, Thank you for your comment. I appreciate your point of view and I''ll have to Google that. I need a little more knowledge in what your talking about. Can't respond in an intelligent way because I wasn't aware of those facts. But I didn't like Trump before he ran for office. We agree on the main thing to stop the division. Thank you for your vote. God Bless..
i don’t like Trump either, however division has mounted for years. It truly needs to stop
I did find that Obama didn't turn the blue lights on the white house to honor fallen police officers! Yes and amen it needs to stop..good eveningto you Greg....
Dear Terry,
This President knows only one color
The "Evil Russian Red"
He is a puppet for their leader
Who wants our Democracy to be dead
The only way to stop him
Is this November 6th to vote
Replace corrupt Republicans with honest Democrats
Trump and Putin then we've smote
Hugs, Peace and Love,
Larry xxx
Larry, I am sick of all this crap tearing our country down...last election we had here was the first year I saw the democratic polling side full and republican side almost bare. expecting more so in Nov.....this piece of work has to go....what is this, Trump wants to keep his Putin meeting off the record... .who the hell does he think he is???.I say good luck...we will see in the movies..
Dear Terry,
My sentiments exactly, as is evidenced in the poem we just published today, "Tuesday November 6th, 2018".
Larry xxx
Maybe some democrats like Ted Kennedy, John Edwards and Al Gore could replace the corrupt Trump guys. They were so honest and honorable men. All the nasty things they did. Ted killed his pregnant girlfriend, John cheated on his dying wife and Al sold out to china, maybe guys like these can replace the corrupt Republicans..................
By the way I am being Sarcastic. Both Parties suck. But I get irritated when Democrats open their mouths because they all suck LOL
Ted Kennedy and John Edwards surely had their flaws, although I think Al Gore has proven himself to be a great leader. The difference between these men and Trump, is that they were and are, all loyal to the United States, and not traitors in collusion with Russia. All Presidents have their shortcomings, but this monster is in cahoots with Putin to end our Democracy.
He must be stopped before it is too late.
Peace and Love,
Larry xxx
Larry it is amazing that you actually believe that. That is just pure nonsense. By the Al Gore is a con and was in bed with Indonesia and China. Talk about collision
Greg, evidently, you don't read articles by the well-informed writers of The New York Times and The Washington Post. Sounds to me that you are an avid Fox News person.
I Consider Fox News Bias to the right. However with that said New York Times and The Washington Post are both extremely bias to the Left. You can pretend that is not the case, but that is really what you are doing.
There has been absolutely no evidence to suggest a Russian Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia. It is fiction and pathetic.
If you believe there is then show me where the proof is.
Yes Russia tried to influence the election. They have been doing this for decades, nothing new and guess what? We have been trying to influence other countries' elections for decades also. All of this is nonsense just because the Democrats could not accept that though stomaching a Trump Presidency is hard to take for many Americans, More Americans found that Stomaching a Hilary Presidency would be a worst scenario to digest. It is pitiful to me. I voted for Gary. I am not a big fan of Trump, but I am certainly no fan of corrupt Progressive ideology.
Dear Greg,
Let's both agree to disagree, and leave it at that.
I find some of your points valid, and always respect other's views.
I think we both agree that our Planet is in slow decay, so maybe that would be a great subject for us to converse about.
Larry xxx
P.S. Hillary did win the popular vote by more than three million.
I agree it is okay to disagree. I also do not like Trump, I just find the Left to be a far worse alternative. Yes Hilary won the popular vote and she also stole and caused collusion against the Bernie voters which we all know about, yet Democrats will forgive absolute corruption. Don't get me wrong both parties are corrupt. The left however is a very real threat against Democracy and free speech. I am a Libertarian and I hope one day The Libertarian Party will have a real voice