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Hello Greg...

It happened where the proof is...

Everyone can have a Jesus experience...

Those who don't believe in Jesus that's between them and Satan...

Just because they don't believe now doesn't mean they won't believe one day...

For them to know for sure they have to seek, of course there's always God's way...

Thank you for sharing the video...

​​​​​I just had a thought...

Cosmofunnel has a doorless, walless Church...

All is welcome!

I wonder...

Do you think we could build it?

I know...

To make it fair (fear)...

Give Satan one too...

Best wishes and blessings my friend!




Thanks for sharing Greg, not seen this one. Only mindless sheep believe everything they are told...it is good to delve...I'm reading the Scars of Eden currently x

Greg Etsell

Thank you, Marion 
I haven’t read it yet or any of them
Videos I have been watching
The video I have up his part one
There are four parts to this video
On Jesus, it is amazing


I will.watch it all later x

Being Me

Interesting. Very, very interesting. I'm going to have to watch the other videos.and read the book. Love things like this. Thanks for posting, Greg x

Greg Etsell

Thank you Tina.Cherie is the one who get 
me in to this one really has changed how see things

Being Me

Always does good to have an open mind. An open mind allows you to explore all kinds of possibilities x


I must have missed this .. very interesting Greg .. am glad you posted .. too much to take in and digest in a single setting .. Like Arnold Schwarzenneger said long ago .. I'll be back :) 


I've come back to this Greg to tell you there are 4 books by Paul Wallis...the Eden series...take a look...they contain the most amazing facts and ideas about how we originated x

Greg Etsell

Thank you, Marion 
Yes, I do know about the books
But there are lots of videos
By him and I’ve been watching
Big amazement kind of confusing
But I’m getting to understand more


It is confusing in the beginning Greg but it all boils down to this really...everything we are taught boils down to supposition by the experts who have to fill a certain narrative. Nobody knows for certain how old earth is, nobody knows if there were civilisations on earth before our own humankind...known history only goes back a small way. Every ancient txt, scroll and  cave drawing has been interpreted to fit the bible narrative of one eternal kind and loving God...everything that doesn't fit this narrative is dismissed. Problem is that the bible does not preach one peaceful god...it preaches in parts especially in Genesis of a vengeful 
and sometimes nasty god. Every ancient culture around the world has left their own story( the same story of visitation by ETs whom they interpreted as mighty God's  in txts, scrolls drawings and unexplainable massive  constructions ( almost impossible to fit the stone age culture we are taught) ...and that these stories have been used and translated into the bible narrative of one world one kind loving eternal all seeing god ...hence the bible. Some argue that these highly advanced visitors  even created us as is told by the ancients...not really that far fetched when you consider the cloning and AI we ourselves are now capable of. Any stone age person living on Mars would likely view the rover there as a fearsome god. These books, videos challenge the whole interpretation of our creation and origins. Scary stuff actually...but they do not say there is not god as we perceive him/ her either. Don't know what I believe but what I am reading unfortunately makes a lot of sense to me and my long held views that any one GOOD god could not have created the carnage war and horror we have always existed in on earth. Paul Wallis spent 3O years a preacher but he eventually had to reread the bible, which had never sat well with his conscience and intelligence. He is well worth a read...the Eden series is amazing x

Greg Etsell

I agree with you
It’s not as confusing
when cherie first told me
I am getting used to the fact what they are saying, but my only problem is a tug-of-war between believing what they all say and still wanting to practice what I’ve been doing since I was 16 praying it all that it’s hard, but if I get convinced even more, which I am leaning toward that way I just will give up I think and the Earth they say is 4.5 billion years old and that no God created it just energy and light. 
And it’s amazing that this world is not going to end like they say, and Jesus is not coming back because he died and 112 ad and he’s not a God although
cherie it’s still not convinced that he’s not a God but I still believe in God and Jesus only in a way that it’s inside me. I will keep learning all about this. It is amazing what I’ve been reading and watching and listening. There’s lots of videos with Paul and Billy on YouTube and it’s amazing what you’ll find also, if you get the history channel, you should watch ancient aliens and shows shows like unexplained both shows will talk about what is really going on. Both shows are amazing. You will learn a lot. If you can’t get it done on your TV then you can go to YouTube. It will be on their.


Hi love...I really don't think they are saying there is not a god...to me it's more like there are powerful spirits out there, highly advanced and that their knowledge and loving ways can and are by many people tapped into on a spiritual level. There is definatly more than we can perceive in this universe Greg, I experience this personally as do many people, we are definitely loved Greg...you just got to read Near Death Experience books...what they are doing is challenging the bible's narrative which has after all been edited over 30,OOO times...by people like you and I...not by God because there is a world agenda to keep us all believing the same thing...keep the heirarchy going...preserve world power with the threat of hell should we not conform. They are disputing man made religion not god. I now just believe we go home when we die...back to.our origins..on a distant star....highly advanced civilisations that love and watch over us in life..God like civilisations....that's still heaven Greg x

Greg Etsell

Yes, I agree with you
About the afterlife and where we go, I believe in that very much so
Yes, I have known people who have died and come back
Their stories are amazing
And I do pay attention that I know that I will go to heaven and meet my family one person that I would like you to watch when you get the time his name is Hans Wilhelm videos on YouTube called it, life explained
I have been watching him for 10 years now and I’ve learned a lot from him. I’ve also wrote to him and asked him many things and he wrote back to me still learning about life and what it’s about and it’s amazing what is video say about the life he to give up on the Catholic Church, and what the church was teaching him I hope that you will find a time to watch him because I just love to watch him. There’s so much out there about life and what lies beyond how life begin and where you go after it’s not to be feared, I do not fear dying. Thank you for talking to me.


Love talking to you about this Greg...I am obsessed with finding out since my son died...it is my mission...I will watch him...thank you for pointing me in his direction because I wasn't aware of him...going to watch tonight and I will get back to you...hugs x

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