I kept you safe and sound...
I'm glad you didn't cry because, it would have made me more sad...
You reminded me in your comfort after all my bleeding had been stopped again and again...
It could be worse...
I could be bleeding in a lot more spots...
You always knew how to make me laugh...
When my head would get hurt you would say at least it wasn't your sit on part again too...
You would look really funny rubbing your head and your butt at the same time...
By the time the Adults came around asking about my day...
It was good...
It wasn't a lie...
I know it could have have been a lot worse...
It hurt me when I had grown up and I was forced to throw you away...
You know I cried the entire way to the Dumpster hoping a little girl would find you and give you a new home...
I didn't have time...
The Moving Truck was waiting...
Every Moving Truck held its own Story too...
When they stole my things...
It didn't hurt as much as losing you...
No one understood the things that couldn't make me mad...
No matter how much they tried...
It got me beat up...
I didn't feel anything...
It could always have been worse...
sparrowsong Ice Queen
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This is tragic, but you wrote it with such beauty that one doesn’t concentrate on
the sadness, but on how positive your thoughts are. I am sure it hurt like crazy, but here
you are! Still kicking. I take my hat off for you, Ice Queen.
Hello Bernadete...
Living through things was where the pain is really felt...
It hurts a lot more than close to dying...
People have died with just one experience...
I can tell you each and every time when I knew I was still alive I would put my hands up and yell...
Are you kidding me right now?
Now, that really hurts...
I wasn't doing it on purpose...
I wasn't trying to hurt myself...
I seriously thought there was no getting out of it alive...
Going through it the adrenaline is going and I didn't feel a lot of it...
That was the real punishment...
That flipping hurts for a long time every time...
Some a lot longer than others...
People assume pain medication...
There were times it might have been helpful but, I can't take any pain medications at all...
Nadda, Zilch...
Sometimes, I still think ...
How did I get so lucky?
Tell me God doesn't have a sense a humor...
I still won't believe you...
My luck is the kind of luck where I would think oh yeah no problem I got this...
That would be the time I die...
Thank you for your kind comment and support...
sparrowsong Ice Queen