This is so much better than you could have planned?
You still have choices...
That's a good thing?
Some of us out here are just trying to understand...
We don't see things the same...
Our memories go back to the joy of our first place after leaving home...
We were happy to work...
Happy to be able to pay bills...
Dinner and a Movie on a Saturday night if we just wanted to chill with friends on a Friday night...
People hitting their ceiling with a Broom because, we were laughing too loud or we turned up the music a notch because...
We were laughing too loud and we wanted to hear our favorite song...
Yell down...
Let's get out of here and go have some fun...
I heard that on day 1 she's going to change things in January...
She's in the White House now...
People may be changing conversations...
You can help people for only so long and when you know no one really cares about you...
You tried...
Time to move on?
Welcome to your NewLife...
When you become a Door Knocker...
What will be your plea?
Hopefully, they have just enough for their family to live a few more days in hope...
Things will be okay just in the knick of time...
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Sparrowsong, tell me what the hack us going on in the land of milk and honey??? When a person can’t afford the basics like a loaf of bread and a roof over the head, we know there is something terribly wrong..,,.,,,Dignity, respect, survival, all gone. I watched Will Smith’s movie last night (for the 3rd time) it’s called “The Pursuit of Happiness” and I got emotional, because I knew it wasn’t only a movie, it is the reality of millions I am sorry! The saying:
“There is 9 meals between peace and anarchy.” Bless you all.
Find a moment of peace, breathe,
feel the sunshine in your face. For a moment. Warm wishes, B
Hello Bernadete...
People were told and they want it...
People are taking Vacations and worrying about it later...
No one's researching what she's saying...
They didn't listen about this...
They're not going to listen to what's coming next...
I saw a Report of about 20 Questions or so...
The highest number was 17% of people had the knowledge prior...
That's after 3 and half years...
That says a lot...
It doesn't matter what anyone says...
When all the Grocery Stores shut down from the VP's federal ban plan if she becomes President and people are standing in Bread lines...
The % of people's knowledge if it were to go up at all isn't going to go up enough in that length of time for their chance of a little success...
For me to try and bang my head up against the Wall again to say Wait, Stop, Research...
With numbers like that...
They don't care...
It doesn't matter to them...
They just want a reason to complain from what my Research has shown me...
Some of us have paid attention the whole time...
They are part of the 17%...
Thank you for your kind comment and support...