You're The Best Of Us
You seek no thanks,
Or financial gain.
Helping so many.
Those in pain.
You give your time,
Life's cherished thing.
Aiding all afflicted,
Make their hearts sing.
A nurse, a doctor,
A driver, a carer.
All front line staff,
A united torchbearer.
Your days are long,
Every shift demanding.
You're a different breed,
All simply outstanding.
The presence of you,
Can make amends.
You are yourselves,
With no pretends.
All stoic staff,
Husbands and wives.
Sacrificing family time,
Even your lives.
Your acts of kindness,
Your deeds of good.
So pure and honest,
With no falsehood.
Sometimes we stumble,
We even fall.
You lift us up,
Each one and all.
Strength and resilience,
Determination and grit.
Making a huge difference,
For our benefit.
A beacon of hope,
You all do shine.
For all afflicted,
Their only lifeline.
Of your precious time,
Life's cherished thing.
Gifted to devoted duty,
Your song we sing.
Every demanding day,
A tough handicap.
And leaving home,
A respected handclap.
You soothe our worries,
Keep them at length.
Renew our spirits,
And give us strength.
All one in a million,
So good throughout.
We sing your praises,
Of that no doubt.
You're our champions,
Health's positive plus.
To put it simply,
You're the best of us.
Dedicated to Anoushka and Anisa and all NHS frontline staff.
Thank you all so much and you're never forgotten.
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I’ll say Amen to this Shaun very poignant & so well delivered ❤️💙❤️
Jill many thanks and had the jab the day I put this up and hence the dedication to those two wonderful people and so many many more and Amen is a wonderful word you have used.
I wish you well and how right you are for using it and these people are the salt of the earth.❤️
I had mine yesterday my arm is sore but im ok xx
Jill same here, a sore arm and a thumping headache also.
I asked will it affect my poetry?
The nurse replied....
Yes, it'll vastly improve it. For I've read all your poems!!
Thanks Jill and hope you too are on the mend.❤️
Teehee shes funny like your poetry is right up there ontop of the best of the rest 💙❤️💙
Oh Shaun this is a wonderful tribute to our NHS who have gone above and beyond for us all 💛
Gwendoline thank you for your kind and generous words and our NHS deserves all the support that you and so many more bestow on it.
It is a national treasure, employed by treasured and hard working incredible people who have earnt total respect many times over.
They are all fearless and priceless.
Thanks again and I wish you well for that jab.❤️
Greg thank you for liking and pinning and for taking the time to read it sir.