2020 Tales

"Since the years between 1945-50, there had not been so many people on the streets of European cities keeping a long queue to buy in the supermarket, in the pharmacy, to sell or pawn gold, in the bank office, in the post offices, even for the hairdresser you have to queue today in a globalized way, and if after storing the queue you have high body temperature , Come back tomorrow!”
If You can Count It.
I never thought I could write epistolars from real confinement, from a state of global alert that limits the relations and free movement of all the citizens of the planet, , and where a virus of unknown origin has infected the health and economy of all continents, and if despite the measures the virus rebounds and hospitals are refilled with the sick, , and the news of the deceased, which I hope not, will have to start from scratch, or resort to a plan B.
In the of voracious consumerism, in a matter of very few years, we have profoundly wounded ecosystems, and also to all species that inhabit the planet, in the predatory eagerness of nations, there are failures in the systems that science can never assume, the coronavirus has silenced the wars of the East, terrorism, refugees and the harmful effects of climate change , any of them produces more ruin, more death and more pain than covid-19, but selfishly we think that all that suffering is suffered by others, that can never affect us, the coronavirus, although some people are more resistant than others, attacks everyone equally, it is inside human that it is strengthened and renewed, perhaps that's why hygiene, and social estrangement, are so important.
In confusing times, peoples and nations are often tested, the best and the worst of people can be seen in extreme situations, in the most difficult times, cities such as Paris, London, Rome or Madrid have suffered the pandemic with more virulence than in other cities in Europe, its high number of inhabitants and the millions of visitors are possibly among the main causes for the numbers of infected and deceased.
If this global confinement were to be used to become aware and all the nations of the planet would be equally positively sorry for each of the infected nations, regardless of their population, their wealth or belief, apart from the obvious advantages, it would be a nice tribute to all those people who, because of covid19, have suffered , or that they have lost a loved one in the pandemic, and a sign of respect, to the suffering of all the deceased.
Larra's niches
today they are still in force,
on the street, in the house
and among the people,
in the added fear and
in blunt phrases
Come Back Tomorrow!
I am sure that in relation to the pandemic, there will be a before and after the coronavirus, which I am not sure, whether that change will be for bad or good, but one way or another, the change, apart from obvious, is also...imminent!, and nothing and no one can stop it, and if one day we can live how we did before the global infection , let us take care of nature, and demand to live in healthy societies, in green societies in line with the system of global protection to the planet that houses us all how one day it also housed such primitive creatures, as dinosaurs.
The coronavirus crisis has brought everyday heroes to society, but also to uncovered the real face of many villains, the heroes are among the sanitary, and among all those people who from the first line have continued to work so that the alarm state does not stop and we can contain the infection within normal parameters until the first generation of drugs that act against the disease as a drug or as a vaccine.
Covid-19 fever causes fear, chill, frustration, and ultimately causes the host to die. It is fought with enriched liquids and acetaminophen, but when after several days of treatment the fever persists, then you have to go to the ER, , whether or not they are collapsed, and pray that nurses and doctors are still alive so that they can heal us.
The number of infected covid-19 health workers in Spain is devastating, and in the two months we have been officially pandemic, the number of infected health workers is 15%.
Dark crow,
the plan roster.
Screams and whispers,
chimera and legality.
Turbid stow,
on the foster.
A thousand black ties,
preside over the carnality.
Dark flow,
on the terraces.
Viruses and monsters,
lethally and accurately.
2020 Tales.
We enter phase 1, the path of what has been called, "New Normality", in this new normal the main thing is disinfection, extreme measures, and keep distances.
With the new normal many customs are left behind, it will be a normality generated by measures of asepsis, and hygiene, and possibly with the new normal, where we used to see people, now we see viruses and possible contagions.
The letter by its nature is profound, apocalyptic and extensive, if you have come to the end, in good time, and hopefully tomorrow will be better for all people on the planet, and that from the pandemic the survivors will draw the best of lessons, and a code of ethics of global cut in relation to elementary rights and the duties of people emerges on the horizon of all nations. Everything that had happened would have had a sense of evolution, and looking at the possible generations to come, their world would be fairer, cleaner, much healthier and better than that of our 20th-century ancestors, a fair world, without wars and fighting for a common good, eradicating the diseases and suffering they produce in the lives of all living things on the planet.
"Queues in shops, gloves, disinfectant in shoes and masks, deserted streets, clean cities as natural models. Cultural centres, cinemas and theatres are used by sessions, and between session and session, a deep disinfection, the coronavirus outside the host is very vulnerable and is destroyed with substances as simple as Bleach and soap"
2020 Tales.
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I never normally read long works ( sorry, I'm just too lazy)? but I thoroughly enjoyed this my friend. I secretly hope that this virus will change the way humans live, think, act and that empathy and love become more important that the treadmill and consumerism. I pray that all animals are treated like other humans because regardless of conspiracy theories, the virus and many before it have originated from the truly shocking inhuman way we treat animals and the planet. But I no longer live in hope, you see, mankind insists on voting in leaders that are intent on forcing them to do all the things they would rather change. Man is the most stupid of all intelligent creatures...our main downfall being that we insist on forgetting just that...we are just creatures, not gods. Strange to think we will actually destroy our own planet chasing tiny pieces of paper that looked better as trees anyway. I no longer think we are killing the planet, I think the planet is killing us...and I'm on the side of the planet, I cry always for the animals, never the humans. This is very long and I forgive you if you don't actually read it...??hugs...cracking write ?
In principle, thank you very much for reading such an extensive writing, then I want to share all your desires and your great love for nature in general, but to all those impoverished people, or who try to flee from genocide, we must be supportive and put ourselves in the place of the oppressed. When animals and nature are respected all over the planet, the world will be a safer place for all.
A hug!!
You know I have just read the 'Beekeeper from Apello' ...it is fiction based on fact and it is beautiful and so moving and tells of the suffering of refugees fleeing from Syria. I dislike mankind in general for its great cruelty to animals but I have great empathy for all suffering...hugs back ?
I understand you perfectly, but fortunately not all people are cruel by nature, just as you and I there are also millions of noble, fair and good people, and they are the people we must keep in mind when we think of humanity, I can't think of an America full of personalities like Donald Trump's, in America there are also other different people , in short, it can never be generalized, and we must love humanity as a whole, among many things, because we are part of it.
The Beekeeper of Aleppo is a fictional novel, but the story is reliably repeated in Iraq, Syria, Libya and any war-drawn country.
A hug!!