Another boring day passed. My daily life timetable consists of:getting up, laze around cause there is nothing to do, listen to my mom gossiping with her friends and fight with my sister. Sometimes if my mom was in a good mood she would tell me bedtime story. Those were the best days in my life. I loved to hear her telling about her childhood. She told me that earth was called the 'green planet' cause there was a lot of trees. I really couldn't believe there were trees. From my bedroom window all I could see was barren ground. Maybe there were trees far out but we couldn't go out cause the ultraviolet rays. She also told me that trees used to give them oxygen. At that I had to laugh. Trees giving out air what a stupid thing. My mom scrolled at me and told me it was true and that it is a miracle that we are all alive because without trees we wouldn't be able to breathe "then how are we breathing" I questioned her. " the scientists made gas masks storing the little oxygen left is the air. Many people died I was lucky as my dad your grandfather who was one of the scientists provided me and my family with enough air in gas masks for us to breathe. Then they mixed some other gases and made more oxygen that is why all the people are wearing gas masks to breathe." I thought about how lucky my parents had been they could go out in the sunshine, they could go to school, they didn't have to wear this stupid gas masks. Why did the stupid human beings have to cut down trees and pollute the air? They had everything they ever needed. They left us with nothing.
If you guys don't want the younger generations to think this we better stop cutting trees and polluting the air or else this story is gonna come true but with a slight change... Here in this story humans survived this disaster but really we are gonna die if this happens
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