Story -

A Bird of Dawn

A Bird of Dawn

A little bird once awoke before dawn and started singing its beautiful song to the whole world. 'What brings the day,’ it sang ‘What brings the day?’ Then the sun broke over the mountains on the eastern horizon and answered with love in its heart, ‘It brings the lovely sunshine with happiness and rays of hope to all of nature.’ ‘What brings the day, what brings the day?’ the little bird sang again from all its little heart. ‘It brings the western wind and the pleasant summer breeze on the wings of the white dove of love.’ Answered the loving wind in the breeze rustling the trees and the leaves with tender care and compassion. ‘What brings the day,’ it sang once more, ‘What brings the day.’ ‘It brings the gentle sprinkling of spring rains from above in a clear blue sky.’ Answered the gentle showers from the small clouds high above in the lovely summer sky. ‘It brings my song, it brings my song.’ Sang the little fellow joyfully once more. Then it flew away to the south and the splendid spring day sprung forth in all its glory and triumph giving life and joy to all of creation. A happy day for all of life’s little happy hearts and souls. Shine on in love always.

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