A Dove Of Love

A beautiful, little white dove was once hatched from his egg, and soon became a lovely little bird. He was humble and caring as to his kind and kin, and loved his mother who loved and cared for him, very much. She was always protective and loving and kind, and raised him to be true dove. One of passion and love and understanding. But as a young dove one day he saw a mean old serpent devouring a birds unhatched eggs in its nest. ‘How frightful!’ he thought ‘ What if I was that egg!’ The next day from his perch high up in a tree, he saw a wolf devouring a little buck way down below in the forest. ‘What if I was that little buck? How Awful!’ he thought to himself. The day after that he saw a hawk catch a sparrow, and said to himself; ‘Oh dear, I might get carried away one of these days by that terrible hawk like sparrow myself if I’m not careful! How dreadful!’ So he flew home to his mother, and asked her, after telling her of all these awful events he had witnessed; ‘What if I was to fall victim of one of these awful beasts of the forest, or my brothers, or my kin; whatever shall I do?’ he implored her. ‘We shall keep on being who we are; true creatures of love and peace, regardless of these beasts of the forest, and their savage ways. We shall always be humble, and kind to all, for therein lies the only salvation in life. And nature itself shall take care of us, and never let come to harm or ruin. Have faith my little one, and become a beautiful and caring dove like your mother and your father, for we know no other way.’ His mother’s kind words of wisdom carried him through his whole life after that, and after many daring flights and adventures of his own, he eventually became a true splendid dove himself one day. He got settled with a lovely little dove and had little ones of his own, whom he loved and cared for dearly. He and his roost were always safe from danger and strife, thanks to wise teaching of his mother, and he knew then that she was right; love does conquer all, and there is nothing to fear; but fear itself. And he spread his beautiful white wings and flew away among the white clouds and the blue skies above, assured in himself that all was at peace, and all was as it should be, and would be ever after.
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