A garden of wonder

Some people say that there's no such thing as magic. Some people are so pessimistic that they can't open their minds and eyes to what's truly there. But not me; I know better. Say what you like, whether you think that I'm wearing rose-tinted glasses, or that I have my head in the clouds. You can tell me that the world is fraught with problems till you're in the face, but I'll always know that just because you cannot see something, does not mean that it's not real. Why do I have such a mindset? Well, I know of a very special place.
I know a place where reality merges with fantasy, to make a beautiful garden where creativity blooms and imagination flourishes. It is past the wit of man to explain why, where or even how. But if you believe, you'll know it's there. To find and believe in such a place, you must relinquish your fear and throw caution to the wind. Maybe not forever, but just long enough for a glimmer of hope to penetrate the impending depression of this world.
You see, if this garden was never discovered, then it wouldn't exist. And if it never existed, then mankind would never have advanced in technology or even intelligence! We would have been as primitive as Neanderthals, maybe even more so. Ever scientific discovery, every advancement, has been made by someone stepping outside of the boundaries that society has confined them to.
Whther people realize it or not, it is our sense of wonder and curiosity, that makes us, us.
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Hi Felicity, Lovely lovely write. I loved this line
"Whether people realize it or not, it is our sense of wonder and curiosity, that makes us, us."
Thanks for sharing. Cheers.