A Little Bird Song

There was once a little bird that sang with joy all day long. He sang through the beautiful, sweet spring when all the flowers were in bloom, and he sang through the long sunny summer when all the world was alive with the sounds of creatures and birds from near and far. He sang when the skies were cloudy and laden with rain. He sang when it was sunny and the skies were crystal blue above. He sang with hope and the inspiration of life. He sang a new song to the world. And so he sang his pleasant song to all who would hear through the long, lovely summer, until autumn began to show in the trees and the grass, and the world grew steadily colder with the coming of winter. In the winter it was cold and miserable, and he began to sing his tune less and less. His life was struggle for food now, pecking up the last few seeds each day, that was left from the summer harvest. The world was bleak and silent, as all the other birds had flown south for warmer weather. Seldom he sang now, and his life was a struggle to survive the harsh winter conditions. He wondered through those long, cold and dark months if he would ever hear a joyful tune from his own heart again. All seemed lost as the long, bitter winter drew on without end. Yet one spring morning the first green shoots of grass appeared on the ground, and the trees soon displayed their splendid green leaves and beautiful flowers to the world once more. The first spring rains came, and with it returned all the animals and the birds. The world was a true paradise once more as the warm summer dawned, and he had no other choice but to respond with the song of joy in his heart that he always carried with him. His beautiful song could be heard all day, from early morning until the sun set a brilliant red in the late afternoon. He sang with his whole heart again, and his life was a miracle of song that would never end. Even through the hardest of times the song in his soul was always alive and happy. Sing on little bird, the world loves your music.
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